So, I'M retarded, big surprise there.

Dec 09, 2009 18:54



I am very sad about this.

But schm0use was like "google your lj name, it's weird to see all the places you've ended up". Yeah, well HER fics have ran everywhere, meanwhile I FORGOT. THAT MY LJ NAME. IS THE SAME AS MY EMAIL, YOUTUBE ACCOUNT, DEVIANT ART, AND THE EMAIL I REGISTER WITH FACEBOOK, THUS ( Read more... )

why god why, oh for fucks sake, rl, omfg, sobs forever, why is my life so hard, fml, schm0use, ramblings, fail

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hjacobs December 16 2009, 23:59:33 UTC
I just will never understand people who throw around the word retarded, like it's some big joke. As the mom of a child with special needs I find it so surprising every time I come across a blog like yours. Yeah, really fun to mock people based on a few lousy IQ points. Hope you got the laugh you wanted. Count me out.


holykeebler216 December 17 2009, 10:25:28 UTC
I'm sorry, not to be rude, but if you think I'm making fun of someone, that's your misunderstanding. I don't know how you came across my post but if it offends you in any way, that's not my intention. Clearly you aren't one of my regular leaders and are just making your point known. That's great, but this probably is not the best place to do so. I'm sure you come across this word often and take offense, but I advise you to take out any significance or correlation with your son when this word is used freely. As a physically disabled person myself, I encounter cancer jokes thrown around and the word cripple, but I don't take offense in the slightest. It isn't a personal attack, it has no reflection on me, nor do those words define me because I don't let them. You can't protect your son from everything, much less a word on a meaningless blog floating around on the Internet. I understand the importance this word has for some people, and I recognize that. I'm sorry if my carelessness with it's use has caused you any indignation. However, ( ... )


holykeebler216 December 17 2009, 10:32:16 UTC
Also, the point of this blog isn't to supposedly make fun of mentally handicapped people, if that's what the phrase "blog like yours" means. We aren't sitting around laughing at handicapped people, rest assured. If you notice, the word "retarded" is used once in the post. If you didn't read the whole thing, please don't make assumptions about me or my musings. Not once do I aim for a "cheap laugh" at the handicapped. I would be one of the least likely persons to do so. Be thorough with your assessment if you're out to criticize.


hjacobs December 17 2009, 12:00:59 UTC
using the word retarded once was once too much.


holykeebler216 December 17 2009, 12:08:53 UTC
Alright, well I can see you don't listen to any sort of reason whatsoever. You can stop being so self-righteous and get off my journal now, thanks.


black_goose December 17 2009, 12:24:59 UTC
she directed the word to herself, she was not offending anyone or meaning it to offend anyone. Someone with a mental disorder is not going to become offended simply because some random person on the internet used the word "retarded" with regards HERSELF.

The word is only an insult because you are taking it to be one.


holykeebler216 December 31 2009, 04:54:52 UTC
TT.TT i love you guys


prototypic December 17 2009, 18:24:05 UTC
she wasn't even insulting disabled people, so why are you taking offense? there's a difference between using a word with the intention to cause emotional/mental distress and using a word with the intention of laughing at oneself.

simply put, whether she used the word retarded or not has nothing to do with you whatsoever. you obviously don't get the fact that she never had any intention to make fun of handicapped people. you should probably stop though, because now you're harassing her as well.


holykeebler216 December 31 2009, 04:55:00 UTC
TT.TT i love you guys


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