Ooh Lordie.

Sep 30, 2009 00:57

I went over to his house again tonight

And really guys, I can tell it's getting bad enough when I've seen him for the past 5 days straight and I still feel like I miss him, but...

This time, I had the option of not leaving.

Thank God for my history midterm in the morning, because ooh Lordie that was looking like a nice option.
Not like anything would've happened, and I've never slept over at a boy's before (that sounds totally grade school haha)

But just....he is so bad for me.

Know how I can tell?
I think I've written one post about him a day.

This is getting really sad, guys.

EDIT: He is everything good and everything bad rolled up into one. Everything good because he will respect me if I say no.
Everything bad, because I don't want to.

rl, woo, omfg, are you serious, ramblings, ummm., i think i'm falling for you, boys, school, lack of sleep has become my life

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