Taking Back Sunday concert on campus

Sep 18, 2009 17:48

I'm not gonna lie guys.

I look like a total whore.

BUT. I look damn good doing it.
I'll post pictures later for your scrutiny. Hot, or Not: up to you haha. Help me out here.

what I was in most of the night

w/jacket unbuttoned

jacket details



aaand me being a dork.

and with the opening band, only because the one in the middle is a cutie haha.

EDIT: Concert was awesome, I loved it, Adam is so cool and his mic swinging is so much better in person, two REALLY HOT guitarists, and then this really hot guitarist (I have a thing for guitarists) in the opening band. I missed my people: the concert kids with band tees and converse and lip piercings and cool hair, and there wasn't a damned polo-wearing frat boy in sight.

Lol also: when we were chilling out afterwards, I was like, mega-stalking the band, and I see the OPENING BAND who was decent but who had the smoking hot guitarist in Jupiter, a bar-club thing, I was going to go give them my new friend who I met tonight, Sage's number, but then they LEFT. But after we left, we were going to go to Taco Bell and we were driving by and I spot them on the street, so I roll down my window and I yell hey at them, and they're like "...hi...oh hi" and they're all "what are you up to" so we tell them and they go "oh, can we come?"

...LOL it was so funny. We were going to pile them in our cars and go, but they decided they'd go later and get more drinks now, and I was bummed but they remembered me lol. I was surprised I had the balls to ask them and then they actually crossed the street to meet us in the parking lot and we were seriously gonna go but then it just didn't work out. But hey. I was just stoked about that lol. Most of my band interaction isn't the cool "hey, let's party" thing, more like "hey, why is that girl trying to find our secluded tour bus" kind of thing.

i'm so hungry i could eat siwon, rl, sobs forever, help, ramblings, i feel pretty, ummm., concert

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