Way out, space out, losing all control

Aug 01, 2009 14:03


my new fic comm! when i start posting there, i'll friendlock my journal and entries -- im transitioning to a rl/fl journal, and i'll have to lock entries from normal people haha.

I HAVE NOT BEEN WRITING. This is what I need to do.

Instead, I have had alcohol for the first time. Aaaand a second time after that. Sunny threw me a belated birthday party in Vabien Suites (which are pretty suite....see? see what I did there?) and there was Absolut Mandarin, Absolut Vanilla, about 4 or 5 bottles of various wines, a giant plastic bottle of soju (keepin' it classy), some smaller, legit bottles of soju, some weird plum thing, rice whatever, sake, and...just...a load of stuff. I only had a little bit of the Absolut Mandarin mixed with OJ (because ew, a little bit on my tongue by itself - no thank you) and a shot of soju (also ew, perhaps straight alcohol is not for me) and nursed some of each wine for the night. I didn't get drunk or anything, just a little warm and fuzzy and sleepy. I have the bad feeling I would make a very boring drunk, contrary to my non-intoxicated self. Bummer.

But my friends did coerce this super cute bartender at Cocoon to give me a kiss on the cheek. SCORE \o/

Then yesterday we went to a club and I was looking at a bartender and he saw so naturally, I look at an interesting spot on the ceiling. This happens 2 more times before he finally motions me over and pours me something, God knows what. I think it was tequila. I put it back like a champ though, go me. That lemon was my savior though; again, hard alcohol = no no. He poured me a Tequila Sunrise after that and I chatted with him. Theeeeen I left. What else was I supposed to do, give him my number? I leave in 5 days. 2 free drinks -- huzzah.

Me and Sylvia went to stand in line at freaking dawn today for Music Core, but SHINee lame-os told us at 11 that we could leave and come back at 2 after we got our numbers...AND after we sat there on the sticky ground for two hours. Lovely, quite lovely.

So instead I went home, showered, and now that I feel like a human again, we are going to hit up Apgu and Everysing and stalk some SM and JYP buildings. Excitement.

And in the mean time: it's meme time!

tagged by black_goose

Firstly: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.

Secondly: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

Have you ever been out of the country?
Yessum. Canada, Australia, and now K-K-Korea

Have you ever lied to a teacher to get out of a deadline?
Oh plenty of times. I'm really good at that, actually...

What kind of magazines do you read?
For some reason someone keeps buying me Seventeen subscriptions, although I've kind of moved up to Cosmopolitan even though I never pay $4 for one.

What's your occupation?

What's really creepy?
Spiders, loose strands of hair, schm0use

Who is your celebrity crush?
Heechul, Donghae, and currently Shi-face because it's hard not to love him after the SS2 interaction

What are you listening to right now?
Abracadabra - Brown Eyed Girls

What food could you eat every day for weeks and not get sick of?
Pasta. Noodles. Anything in that family.

What websites do you always visit when you go online?
facebook, livejournal, yahoo mail

What was the last thing you bought?
a rice ball haha

What was the cutest thing you've seen today?
Nothing, really, i've just seen lots and lots of really scary fangirls/fanboys

Does the weather affect your mood?
No but it affects my music and if I'm going to hole myself up in my room or not

What is your zodiac sign?

Do you want to learn another language?
Trying to

5 things you can't live without:
God, my family, schm0use, warm blankets, showers

Do you have any siblings?
오빠 ♥♥♥♥♥

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
I'm happy I met you :)

What are you looking forward to?
exploration around Apgu and SM/JYP/Everysing

Say something to the person who tagged you:
I've totally been skimping on commenting, but I've been reading everything so far -- i'll be less lazy after Korea, prepare for spammage.

i tag: schm0use

thanks for all the birthday wishes, guys :) ♥

korea, meme, rl, adventures, i miss my sanity, schm0use, ramblings, pimp post, birthdays

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