Super Junior; Various Pairings; Drabbles

Sep 07, 2008 18:20

Title: Drabbles 1
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: various: KiHae, Kyuhyun, Kangteuk
Word Count: 346-735
Rating: PG-13-R
Summary: It's college and homework needs to be done. Unfortunately that doesn't always happen.
Genre: Humor/Smut
A/N: This is based off personal experience, because i spent ALL OF TODAY not doing my homework. The slight!smut is, of course, extra, though still the frustration at myself is portrayed through the boys in suju, which, really, writing these just made me procrastinate more. Anyways i havent posted in a while cuz ive been trying to be a good little college freshman and get involved in activities but its NOT WORKING and im just going to give up. I have Japan Club, APO, and Study Abroad to keep me busy anyways. And i need more time to write, because I like to write and i should do it more. I also need to capitalize things properly, but oh well. Drabbles for my one reader, nodo and KiHae for veronicaleandra. They're all unbeta'd though, so sorry if they fail. hopefully they dont suck too hard. (but hopefully Kyuhyun does.) sorry, i have to tame my dirty mind.

KiHae / Study Hours: Some Light Reading / PG-13 / Humor / 346 word count



Kibum grit his teeth and tried to focus on the book in front of him. He really needed to finish these last 4 chapters, because he had an Anthropology test tomorrow and when Donghae said he’d come help him study Kibum should have know he was lying through his teeth. The whiny calls of “Kibum” continued for a good thirty seconds before it became a loud chant, made even more annoying by the fact that it was now being projected straight into Kibum’s ear by the other boy now very close to his face. Kibum took a deep, calming breath and closed his eyes. That didn’t work.


Donghae stopped calling the other’s name, looking up at the sharp tone to see Kibum eyeing him dangerously. Donghae paled a bit.

“If you don’t stop chanting for the next half hour while I skim this damn book, I’ll really give you something to scream my name about.”

Donghae paused, creating a blissful silence that lasted about a second.

“Is that supposed to make me stop, Kibummie?” he asked lightly, slinging a long leg over Kibum’s to settle himself comfortably on the other boy’s lap.

Kibum looked up from his book to see Donghae grinning at him, tongue between his teeth. He sighed.

“Yes,” he said brusquely, before setting the book on the desk behind Donghae. Donghae’s grin widened. Kibum wrapped strong fingers around Donghae’s hips as he leaned forward and pulled the other boy into a searing kiss, tongue slipping past the older’s lips, teeth nipping the soft skin gently. Donghae moaned, pushing his hips forward into the other boy’s.

Without warning Kibum pushed him sideways off his lap and the older boy fell with a dull thud onto the floor. Kibum picked his book back up and straightened the black-rimmed glasses he was wearing.

“Now shut up and let me finish this,” he said.

Donghae pouted up at him before sighing defeatedly. Half an hour was a long time to wait when you really wanted to sex up your smoking hot boyfriend in his dorm room.

KangTeuk / Study Hours: Functions / Humor / PG-13 / 419 word count

Kangin let out a frustrated sigh and buried his face in his hands. He peeked through his fingers morosely at the book innocently lying open in front of him on the desk.

“Fuck you, math. That’s right. Fuck you.”

“Are you talking to yourself again?”

Kangin laboriously lifted his head out of his hands and looked at the boy entering the door and making a racket in the darkening room with the three rustling grocery bags slung on his arms. Eeteuk looked around to where Kangin was slouched over his desk, crumpled paper littering the floor around him. The older boy set the bags down on his bed and walked over, pulling up the seat from his own desk to sit beside the other. He looked over. The book was Pre-calculus Algebra. Eeteuk sighed.

Kangin felt an arm wrap around his shoulders and he turned a pale face to Eeteuk.

“It’s the math. The math.” Kangin said quietly, sounding slightly hysterical.

Eeteuk nodded solemnly. “I know,” he said grimly, “I know. Do you have a test tomorrow?”

Kangin nodded glumly. Eeteuk sighed again. “I know how you feel, I have an advanced Statistics class tomorrow.” He raised his eyebrows and looked pointedly at Kangin.

Kangin glared at him. “Shut up and help me,” he snapped. A small smile crossed Eeteuks lips and he pulled a sheet of notebook paper up, grabbing a pencil of the desk.


Kangin burst through the dormitory door at 9:15 the next morning, shouting something about functions and annihilating them. Eeteuk buried his face further into his pillow, ignoring the insistent hand shaking his shoulder.

“Kangin,” Eeteuk mumbled grumpily, voice muffled in his pillow, “my class doesn’t start for another two hours. Shut the fuck up.”

He heard an indignant snort behind him. Eeteuk rolled over and opened his eyes, squinting slightly at the bright light shining into his face, to see Kangin standing close to his bed, a mischievous smirk playing across his lips. Eeteuk tried to tell him go away, but all that came out was a sleepy gurgle of protest.

“I would have thought you’d want your thank you gift for helping me last night,” Kangin said slowly, innocently.

Eeteuk blinked before he sighed heavily and rolled his eyes, trying to sound convincingly put upon. “Well…” he said, “alright.” He tried not to smile as he felt Kangin’s weight climb onto the bed and a shadow fell over the length of his body.

Kangin got an A on the test.

KyuMin / Study Hours: Chemistry and Then Some / Smut / R / 735 word count

Kyuhyun ran cool fingers across Sungmin’s stomach, the older boy lying stretched out on the bed. The touch made Sungmin’s breath hitch and he bucked up, trying to rub his erection against the other man’s thigh. Kyuhyun growled above him and moved away, much to the other’s displeasure. Sungmin whined in protest against Kyuhyun’s lips, biting down on the bottom one to convey his unhappiness. Kyuhyun’s hands dipped lower, appeasing the older boy writhing on the sheets beneath him, and he smirked as he heard the moan being pulled from Sungmin’s swollen, parted lips.


Half an hour ago, Kyuhyun came over to tutor Sungmin in chemistry.

Sungmin bounded lightly off the bed as he heard a knock on the door, Yesung looking up from his bed where he was lounging casually and playing on his laptop. Sungmin shot him a look over his shoulder that Yesung didn’t like. Something in Sungmin’s eyes made him sigh, and he felt sorry for the boy standing on the other side of the now open door.

“Hi, come in,” Sungmin said, grinning at Kyuhyun warmly. Kyuhyun smiled back and stepped inside the dorm room.

Sungmin followed him over to the desk, settling himself in the chair next to the younger boy. Kyuhyun opened his book to the homework due two days from their study session, getting right to the point. Sungmin pouted to himself a little bit, feeling his devious plan wilt before him. He tried to revive it by leaning forward, looking up at Kyuhyun through long lashes. Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow at him before turning back to the task at hand, blatantly ignoring the vibes Sungmin had been attempting to give off. Damn.

“Wait,” said Sungmin slowly as Kyuhyun attempted to show him how to solve a particularly difficult problem fifteen minutes later. Sungmin leaned over the book to examine the problem, placing a hand on Kyuhyun’s upper thigh nonchalantly. “I don’t get it.” He smiled to himself as he felt the younger boy stiffen slightly, clearly not immune to Sungmin’s advances. Kyuhyun continued to ignore him.

“It’s really easy, actually, you just-“ Kyuhyun began, pointing at the problem scrawled across the sheet of paper in front of him, but his words died as Sungmin’s hand moved a fraction of an inch higher and crossed into his very personal space.

“You know what’s not easy?” Sungmin asked, voice dropping slightly. Kyuhyun reluctantly met Sugnmin’s dark eyes and his stomach flipped uncomfortably. “Getting you in bed.”

Sungmin didn’t bother to lower the volume of his voice too much. Yesung got the hint. The other bed in the dorm room creaked slightly as Yesung slid off and moved to the door.

“I’ll just…I’ll just go,” Yesung said awkwardly as he shuffled out of the door. Sungmin reached over and locked it after him, still not taking his hand off Kyuhyun’s thigh. Kyuhyun sighed and looked at Sungmin, or rather, glared.

“You said you needed chemistry help.”

“I lied.” Sungmin said flatly, climbing into Kyuhyun’s lap as he spoke.

“Well, when you have two isotopes-“ Kyuhyun stubbornly tried to continue, but Sungmin’s tongue suddenly licked across his bottom lip.

“Shut up.” he said.


The chemistry book lay discarded unceremoniously on the floor, pencils and paper strewn everywhere, along with Kyuhyun’s tie. Making out with your boyfriend on the desk makes for a very messy room, Sungmin noted from his position on the bed. The fact was instantly forgotten though, as Kyuhyun wrapped long fingers around Sungmin’s cock, stroking him slowly but firmly.

“You know, getting into your pants is hard enough,” Sungmin panted irritably, “but now you tease me too?” Sungmin clenched his jaw and tried to push into Kyuhyun’s hand faster, but the other boy managed to keep the pace tortuously slow. Sungmin groaned and tossed his head back onto his pillow in frustration.

“You tricked me,” Kyuhyun said matter-of-factly, and his grip tightened around Sugnmin before loosening again.

“Shut up, you love it.” Sugnmin gasped out, before reaching up and pulling Kyuhyun’s head down for a passionate kiss.

A few minutes and a fantastic blowjob later, Kyuhyun lay beside a flushed and gasping Sungmin. He turned his head and looked at him.

“Yeah, I guess I do,” Kyuhyun said. “…But really, when you’re dealing with isotopes-“

“OH MY GOD,” Sungmin groaned, grabbing a pillow and flinging it into Kyuhyun’s grinning face, “shut UP.”


started: 9/7/08
finished: 9/7/08

character: sungmin, character: donghae, character: eeteuk, pairing: kyumin, pairing: kangteuk, fandom: super junior, rating: pg-13, rating: r, genre: humor, fic, pairing: kihae, character: kibum, genre: smut, character: kyuhyun, character: kangin, drabbles

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