man, i put my money money where my mouth is (no stress no stress no stress)

Jul 12, 2009 22:51

so i fell today.

and by "fell" i mean "totally fucking ate it". i went to the school's emergency room haha. its been raining for like, 12 hours and i wore my rain boots like any normal person would. I was stopping at the bank cuz we were going to eat, and i was feeling REALLY GOOD and walking fast because i was listening to music and there was water on the floor and BAM JESSICA GOES DOWN.


thankfully no one saw.

i half-did the splits, then twisted my knee, keeled sideways over my ankle, slamming my knee into the stone tile floor and landing on my hip.

then this korean security guy was like "aaaare you okay" cuz i was like sitting there, wincing and hissing at myself cuz i couldnt move. i just told him yeah and then called my friends lol. then a bunch of them all showed up and huddled around me, one of the guys who is a nursing major tried to tell me how i was feeling and i was like honey, ive spent more time in the hospital than you can even guess.

soooo i stretched out on the floor and talked to my mom like a crazy person till they got there, and then when they did we booked it in a cab to the hospital.

HOWEVER. NOW EVERYONE IS BEING REALLY NICE SO IM LIKE 8D and i think i might be okay. im hurting kind of a lot and moving is hard (super junior concert and mud festival and harry potter wtf NOOOO) but everyone is like IF YOU NEED ANYTHING, CALL ME and i get to skip class so hayyyyy~

and jimmy called me.

so yeah. just so you know.
(omg someone make me stop.)

korea, oh for fucks sake, rl, why is my life so hard, adventures, osm: how to cockblock it, i miss my sanity, ramblings, fail, lolz

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