Jun 15, 2009 11:24

im changing it.

it will be something less stand-out-ish, yes, which kind of sucks. i kind of like the "wtf does that mean? w/e idc" factor of holykeebler216, BUT. im definitely going to change it. ive been testing out one of them, silver_hae_lows, but i think im changing that too. i already changed it on my twitter, and you know that twitter is law. if you didnt get the sarcasm in that, well. yeah.

soooo i want some opinions, i guess. it doesnt mean im really going to follow it lol, but im going to take it into account.

i just hit my head on the overhead lamp. :(

okay. choices:

dazed_and_amazed (or some version)

aaaaaaaaaaand discuss. yes some of them are retarded. shut up.
i am not in any way leaning towards tongue__tied because it certainly does not even remotely relate to my hobby or profession, no sir, nuh uh. and these are certainly not in favored order. not at all.

(i took french and ^that^ is not it.)

why is my life so hard, ramblings

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