Super Junior; HanChul; Must Come Down

May 31, 2009 13:28

Title: Must Come Down
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: HanChul
Word Count: 1057
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It doesn't hurt his heart like he thought it would, because it already did a while ago when he wasn't paying attention, too busy watching Heechul’s hips and kissing the corners of his smile.
Genre: Angst
A/N: i was annoyed at writing so i wrote this. hm. that sounds weird. why do i always default to angst? what happened to smut?

“I’m tired of this.”

“What?” Hankyung asks breathlessly as Heechul climbs off him, slipping out of his hands. Confusion is written across his face, like always when Heechul talks to him. Nothing new.

“I said, I’m tired of this.” Heechul tosses at him over his shoulder, and there’s a bite to it that isn’t hidden very well and Hankyung isn’t entirely sure it was meant to be. Heechul is uncharacteristically bitchy considering he was just about to be getting lucky. Heechul tugs his jeans up his legs and slips the too-big shirt that he borrowed from Hankyung ages ago over his shoulders and walks to the door. He stops and turns around and his face is simply blank. “I’m tired of this. This is boring me.”

And he leaves Hankyung sitting on the edge of his bed as the door slams.


“I don't know, he just said it and left.” Hankyung mumbles, running a hand over his tired face. His eyes burn for sleep and he’s repeated himself about five times.

“He didn’t say why?” Siwon’s voice crackled over the other phone.

“No, yes he did. He just said, ‘I’m tired of this. This is boring me.’ and straight up left. Siwon are you listening.”

“Yes, I just…I don't know why he would do that.”

“Heechul doesn't stay in one place for very long. Maybe I’m boring. Siwon, am I boring?”

“No, you’re not boring, Hankyung. He’s probably just being fickle like always.”

“I suppose.” Hankyung mumbles, the endings of his words falling off and fading into the plastic of the phone at his mouth.


The phone hits the floor and Hankyung is out before he can even say goodbye.


Hankyung calls Heechul for two days without an answer. What he doesn't know is that Heechul is out behind corners and down dark alleys being fucked by people he doesn't really know and doesn't really care about. His phone lies at home and so does Hankyung’s shirt, Heechul back in the tight fitting shirts and pants that trap all of his misfortunate targets.

When Hankyung finally gets up and, under Siwon’s advice, goes over, the door is unlocked like always. Heechul isn’t home, but that isn’t anything new, anything suspicious. He wanders down the hall and sees one of his shirts lying on the floor, and he picks it up. He thinks about hanging it back up in Heechul’s closet for him, the fact that it’s his not an issue because it might as well be Heechul’s now, but then he stops. He looks at the floor of Heechuls bedroom, littered with shirts that he recognizes, shirts that, without thinking, he knows are all his. He picks up one, folding it over his arm as he picks up another, and then another, and then another, fingering the material of it in his hand. It’s a faded pink and it used to be Heechul’s favorite on him until he decided he liked it even better on himself. Heechul had worn it all the time, and although he didn't expect him to be careful with it by any means, it is just a shirt, he didn't think he’d find it lying among the rest of half of Heechul’s closet. It only takes him a minute to realize that there’s more than clothes covering the floor; he hadn’t noticed because there had been so many shirts, but now he can see a book, a few CDs, a belt, three pairs of shoes, and the glint of jewelry lying amongst and half-covered by shirt collars and fabric hems.

There’s a noise behind him and he turns to see Heechul in the doorway, unsurprised to see him here and unsurprised to see the shirts in his hands. He tosses his jacket on the bed with his keys nonchalantly, and doesn't say a word. Hankyung just watches him and it isn’t awkward, it’s just that neither of them knows what to do next. Hankyung busies himself and it feels like eternity until, before he knows it, all of his things are in his arms and Heechul’s floor is clean and impassive like his face. He stands there and looks at Heechul, who is lying on his bed, flipping through a book.

Heechul shrugs at the unasked question. “I don't know, I’ve felt like this for months. Just…bored. I didn’t know what to do about it so I just decided I didn't want to do anything about it at all. It’s easier this way, at least to me. It just became too bothersome. I was bored. I was tired of it. That's all.” Hankyung can’t tell that Heechul leaves out that he wishes the ‘easy road’ didn't come with so much pain. He leaves out that his stomach feels kind of sick and empty when he thinks about it, and his heart feels like it isn’t there when he tries to think of a way to fix it. He leaves out that he’s too annoyed to cry, but wants to cry when he feels brick under his fingers and a stranger at his back, and it only makes him more annoyed. He leaves out that it feels like his entire chest isn’t even there at all and how everything is just annoying because he liked it the way it was before and he doesn't know what happened and everything is just. simply. annoying. And that it makes him want to cry, but he can’t and it’s all just so fucking annoying, so he stopped trying. That's all.

The realization hits Hankyung but not really, because he already realized what was happening two days ago without actually…well, realizing. It doesn't hurt his heart like he thought it would, because it already did a while ago when he wasn't paying attention, too busy watching Heechul’s hips and kissing the corners of his smile. It’s almost like there wasn't anything to end in the first place.

Hankyung is out before he can even say goodbye. He doesn't even remember walking to the door, and he certainly doesn't remember Heechul’s hand on his back, pushing and steering lightly. Later, when he realizes that the faded pink shirt he had in his hand must have dropped when he was leaving, he goes back to find Heechul’s door has been locked. For some reason, he isn’t surprised.

rating: pg-13, character: hankyung, genre: angst, fic, pairing: hanchul, fandom: super junior, character: heechul

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