Super Junior; EunMin; Smiles and Sunshine

May 26, 2009 17:38

Title: Smiles and Sunshine
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: EunMin
Word Count:
Rating: G
Summary: Sungmin's first kiss is complicated.
Genre: Fluff
A/N: wrote this a loooong time ago. i might as well post it since nothing new is coming out, right? unbeta'd ♥ (stfu about my summaries ]: )

someone force me to write. i mean it.

When Sungmin first met Eunhyuk, he knew he was someone he could be friends with. He was tall, thin, rather gangly, and he smiled whenever Sungmin smiled. That just made Sungmin smile even more, because Eunhyuk’s smile was wide, goofy, and gummy, which Sungmin couldn’t help but find positively adorable. He didn’t know how anyone could find it not adorable. So when he first met this boy, just younger than he was, it was like an endless cycle of smiles and sunshine. And Sungmin liked smiles and sunshine, that was just who Sungmin was.

As they prepared for debut together, they became closer, and Sungmin found that wherever Eunhyuk was, that was where he wanted to be. He was by his side always, laughing and joking, beaming up at the taller boy, each feeding off of the other’s happiness. When Eunhyuk fell one time during practice, Sungmin was there to help him back up, and he knew Eunhyuk’s leg and pride hurt, because for some reason Sungmin hurt, too.

The first time Sungmin saw Eunhyuk dance, he felt as if he was watching a whole different person. He wasn’t watching a gawky awkward boy, because that boy had transformed, had somehow gained infinite amounts of confidence when he was on the dance floor, had become mysterious, coy, playful, intense. He watched and felt his heart soar with Eunhyuk’s, because that was how Eunhyuk felt when he was dancing. He felt like he was flying; it was his escape, his drug, his comfort zone. This is what he did. And Sungmin knew that he wasn’t watching a whole different person. This was just another side of Eunhyuk that not many people got to see. It was his raw side, his passion, his heart; it was Hyukjae. And Sungmin was glad that Eunhyuk shared that side of him with him, and he felt truly blessed to be able to call Eunhyuk his best friend, because that’s what they were now. They didn’t have to confirm it, they both just knew, without words. They were best friends, and nothing could ever change that.

As they debuted, Sungmin was right beside Eunhyuk the whole time, a comforting presence that let the other boy know that he was here, and it was okay, and not to worry because he didn’t need anybody to help him. He gave him strength, gave him the courage to face the crowd, gave him the knowledge that it didn’t matter what anyone thought about him because he was the best and he knew it and Sungmin knew it. Sungmin wanted to share Hyukjae’s world, and so he practiced longer, harder, working to become half the dancer Hyukjae was. He was so proud, when in one of the dance battles he was able to support Eunhyuk, and help him deliver a freeze that stunned the hearts of the crowd. Eunhyuk rested on him, trusting, and Sungmin just gripped his arms tighter, saying I’m here and I always will be. Eunhyuk shone, and Sungmin was content to be a part of that.

They had become inseparable. The long months of training, the stressful and strenuous debut, and the barrage of performances, interviews, photoshoots, and videos that followed; Sungmin was there to pull Eunhyuk through all of them, holding onto his hand when Eunhyuk was too exhausted to get out of bed. Eunhyuk did the same for him, letting Sungmin lean against him in the van when he just had too much, and he had to cry. They held each other’s hand through all of it. Nothing could jeopardize what they had.

Until Sungmin met Sunny, a girl in the group SNSD, and he was smitten. There was no other word for it. It was simply pure, unbridled infatuation. His heart was erratic, making ripples in the messy puddle he had become. Smitten. Sungmin thought of Sunny more, and even though he denied it to himself, he thought of Eunhyuk less. He practiced less, trading a half hour of his extra practice time to call Sunny instead. Eunhyuk supported him, ignoring the slight flare of panic that would rise in his chest every so often without warning, sometimes when he was lying in his bed, the dark room too much for him, or even when he was just standing in the kitchen getting some coffee. But he would always suppress his involuntary shiver so that Sungmin couldn’t see and he would just smile his gummy smile and Sungmin would smile back and they would pretend it was the same. They were determined to not let this change them, change what they had.

Sungmin liked Sunny, he liked her a lot. That much was for sure. Eunhyuk liked Sunny too, and thought that if Sungmin was going to end up with anyone, it would only be fitting that it was a girl with a cute smile named Sunny, because that’s what Sungmin loved, smiles and sunshine. Eunhyuk used to be enough for him, but now there was a sinking feeling in the skinny boy’s chest that maybe it isn’t anymore. It still doesn’t change what they have though.



Eunhyuk looks up at the tentative call, from where he’s sitting on the floor near his bed, looking through a magazine. Sungmin is standing in his doorway, looking nervous and unsure. Sungmin wishes Eunhuk was supporting him now, because that’s just what they do; they hold each other’s hand when the other is nervous and unsure, but Eunhyuk isn’t on this side of knowing yet. Sungmin waits for a reply, and Eunhyuk clears his throat.


Sungmin takes a few hesitant steps into the room. He is wringing his hands slightly and he wishes that he could just wring Eunhyuk’s because he misses holding his hand when something goes wrong and now is that kind of time. Sungmin is nervous; he knows what he’s about to say can change everything.

“I…need your help…with something.” So far, the world hasn’t fallen apart, but then again Sungmin still hasn’t said the magic words.

“With what?” Eunhyuk asks.

“I need…I need to know…how to…to…” Sungmin begins, floundering for words that won’t cause any damage. His hands wave idly, grabbing at the air for them. There are none. There are just the facts.

“I need to know how to kiss.”

Sungmin can see the flicker in Eunhyuk’s eyes, and he feels the flicker pass across his heart. Eunhyuk knows that Sungmin has a date tonight with Sunny, and Sungmin knows he knows. Sungmin lowers his eyes. He knows his first kiss can change everything, and he wants to know how to do it properly, but it looks like Eunhyuk might not be able to help him.

“Okay,” Eunhyuk says, and Sungmin can hear the way he’s arranged it so he cant read what he’s feeling through what he’s saying.

Sungmin pads across Eunhyuk’s room and settles down on the floor by the younger’s bed, and he thinks that maybe he doesn’t have to worry about changing anything. Eunhyuk looks at him.

“Well…I don’t have much experience, just what Junsu has told me…but you’re not supposed to try too hard on your first one, he says. He says that it should just be simple, and natural, and that when it happens, it should just…happen.” Sungmin watches him as he looks off somewhere and tries to remember the tips given to him by his other hyung. “He said something about where to put your hands, but I forget. I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m much help…” Eunhyuk trails off before he finally turns and looks at Sungmin, who is regarding him carefully.

Then, Sungmin does something that he knows is going to change everything, but he doesn’t mean to do it. It just happens.

Sungmin isn’t really thinking but when he realizes that his lips are brushing gently against Eunhyuk’s, soft and barely there, he realizes that all his hands are doing are supporting him as he leans into Eunhyuk, and he thinks that he should do something with them, but what, he doesn’t know. Somehow, though, he doesn’t have to think about it and his hands are already coming up to brush thin fingers delicately along the other boy’s cheek softly. He doesn’t really have to think about anything, because it was simple and natural and when it happened, it just happened.

Sungmin leans back and looks at Eunhyuk and his unreadable expression, and only then does he start thinking again. The first thought sort of sounds like “Oh shit.”

When his brain finally does cooperate, it knows that he’s just changed everything they had, had probably just thrown it away forever, and everything with Sunny too, because that wasn’t just a practice kiss, that was his first kiss and it was with his best friend and now he’s even more nervous and unsure and now on top of that he’s confused, too. It’s all processed rather quickly, and Sungmin doesn’t have time to hide the shadow of pain that darkens his eyes for a moment at the realization that he’s single-handedly just botched everything he loved most in the world. Judging by the tumultuous look on Eunhyuk’s face, he won’t find smiles and sunshine here, and neither will they come from Sunny when she knows about this. And Sungmin thinks that they’re definitely not coming from him any more.

It isn’t until Eunhyuk whispers his name that Sungmin finally focuses on the boy in front of him and the look in his eyes that almost scares the shit out of Sungmin, until Eunhyuk leans forward and his lips ghost lightly over his own. Sungmin’s heart leaps in shock, but he doesn’t have any time to care right now.

Sungmin has changed everything, has lost everything he and Eunhyuk used to have. But he’s traded it for something even better.

It isn’t until the weekend that Sungmin finds out that Sunny has been crushing on Donghae.

There seem to be a lot more smiles and sunshine now.

oh god someone shoot me now.

rating: g, character: sungmin, fic, genre: fluff, character: eunhyuk, fandom: super junior, pairing: eunmin

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