Epik High Map The Soul Concert Clips

May 17, 2009 13:54

fan vids to show the awesome

Love Love Love: this was ridiculous. people were jumping, screaming, glowsticks waving, it was crazy. We were right behind these guys with the cameras, so thats a clue as to our focal point. a little farther back, but not much. it was so sick.

Map The Soul [Worldwide Version]: this was around where we were again. its hard to find some good quality or full clips, but its alright. im sure more will crop up because its just half in the day after, and there were a lot of cameras (i mean a LOT). this one was during the encore.

One: so this was crazy. im bummed because the beginning is cut off and the beginning was amazing, the way he opened it, but again, ill update with more when i find them. this is one of my favorite parts of the night.

Free Music: so this quality is kind of shitty but tablo is adorable. he always did the little finger no-no thing whenever it got to his part. ilhsm.

1 Minute 1 Second; another angle: sound quality kind of sucks on both but its good nonetheless. this crowd was crazy. the second sound quality is better but quieter, but the angle is also worse.

♥ The Future (part one)" (part two): this one is up close. crying at the quality, but a fancam is a fancam. im just thankful they took one haha

I'll update with more as i find them. this concert was just so sick, you guys. i cant say it enough. im still reeling. ♥

btw: LOL this is the guy who was in front of us a few people! the white guy! ahahahah what. i didnt watch it, i just thought it was hilarious.

Fan Account (for spazzes.wordpress.com): i wrote this kind of crazy, and there are a lot of run-on sentences and it doesnt make sense, but thats okay.

Sunday, May 17th:

Okay so i just feel like i have to write about this. Maybe its the fact that this is the first real...concert concert ive been to in ages, or maybe its just the sheer...enlightenment you can get from just listening to epik high. i dont know. whatever it is, i feel like i need to just write it out because this isnt just about music, its like air for your soul.

So it was....amazing.

BAHAHA OKAY LETS START FROM THE BEGINNING. okay so we get there at around 5:11 or something around there, and the line is already pretty long, so i am disgruntled and i have to shoot a glare at shauna, but whatever, we got there and at least we werent as far back as some people. but the funny part comes in when we are, of course, probably 2 out of 3 black people there in total. it was...ridiculous. we got so many WTF looks, you dont even know. although there was a white guy a few people ahead of us, and i saw a while (and blonde!) girl there and i kept stepping on the toes of this one white girl who was really nice so at least we werent the only people in a huge racial minority, so that was comforting. and the people in front of us had like, 7 people they didnt really talk to but they knew cut in with them and i was getting mad >:(

but anyways, so we get inside and the house of blues is pretty sick, guys, oh and verizon gave everyone red glowsticks. but we get inside and theres the merch and theres a bar and whatnot and we just book it down to the floor because theres no way im not being on the floor at an epik high concert, its just not happening. its crowded as hell and of course theres a huge line of the only tall asians there and that kind of sucked. shauna is mini and cant see anything, but i could so i found little pockets that she could stand in that were in front of me. it was really weird, i felt like the boyfriend. it was. bizzare. ew weird. okay moving on.

so Far East Movement comes on first and theyre sick, seriously. Lol i was a little apprehensive when they came on in spacesuits, cuz i was like uh. oooookay. but no they were really good and people were really into them, and i got pretty into them, it was nice. THEY GAVE AWAY SHOES. UGH. THEY WERE NICE SHOES TOO. i tried to be like HEY. IM THE ONLY BLACK GIRL HERE. THROW THEM TO ME. but this guy they brought out (manager?) gave this wimpy toss to the very front. THEY CHUCKED CDS OUT TOO. i wanted one :/ but they were really good!

and then Kero One came out and i was really excited to see him. I mean, epik high likes him, so he's gotta be good, right?


it was kind of like tortue. i mean i felt bad for the poor guy, because he has some lyrically sound raps, but the background music was like elevator music. not joking. it was so boring, i was falling asleep. i yawned. multiple times. something is wrong with that picture. but there was this kind of jerky guy who at the end of the, i dont know, 6, 7 song set (seriously?! seriously?!?!) started yelling for epik high. not very much, he wasnt to the point where i wanted to punch him, he just said it once or twice. but we all wanted epik high so no one stopped him lol. we humored kero for awhile, waving our glowsticks and stuff. hes okay if you just want to sit and listen to something nice, but he should have come out before Far East Movement, we would have been kinder. Far East Movement had energy. Kero...did not. :/ its regrettable.

BUT OKAY. SO THEN EPIK MOTHER FUCKIN HIGH COMES OUT. well first tukutz does and spins a bit and Beatbox DG did some SICK STUFF. no it was amazing. i couldnt tell if tukutz was doing anything (he wasnt) and everyone could recognize the songs, and we all freaked out a bit cuz it was like putting on a cd, he was so ridiculously good i have no idea how he did that. it was crazy. he did maybe...3 sets? idk. ahaha when DG came out first though i was like "oh, tablo is much more filled out in person" ahahah it was so weird. i was like. that...is not tablo. right? im right, right? he doesnt look like him... it was confusing.

and THEN epik came out and i lost my shit. so did everyone else. mithra and tablo were wearing matching beanies (this is notable because after they ended, and then when they came out for a 5 or 6 song encore, gotta love epik high, the beanie was gone and it was evident a water bottle had been emptied over mithras head. someone got hot.) tablo. was so. THUG. it was ridiculous! he was bustin it out it was insane. sooooo thug. its hilarious because hes this kinda mousy asian dude and he was SO HARDCORE. and mithra was just nuts. it was great. TUKUTZ. I LOVE HIM. he spins so cool, i was just watching him like :O what i like about it is he'll just reach up and like, well i guess he licks his fingers, but that sounds weird. but thats what he does and then just keeps spinning and he flicks his hand and its just so cool. i do not need to love tukutz :(

they did so many good songs, songs i wasnt expecting them to do. shauna LOST. HER. SHIT. when love love love came on, and i cant tell you the song order but some of the songs they did were: one minute one second, one (which was amazing, they started out with it slow, remembering friends that left the world and stuff, and it was so cool slow, and then the crowd screamed the lyrics and it EXPLODED into the fast version it was sick.), THE FUTURE. THEY DID THAT ONE IT WAS SO BADASS. flow, i cant believe they did that one, top gun, free music, map the soul, map the soul [worldwide version], and so many more, i cant even remember. halfway through the set they left and tukutz stayed and spun for myk, who layed down some REALLY profound raps and i was just really impressed, i loved them all and damn, i fell in love with myk too, i need his album NOW. he has mad talent.

so they did the last song, fly, and then left, and i was like WHAAAAAT NO THERES SO MANY MORE and everyone was chanting for an encore and cheering, and then this voice goes "louder." and we flipped a shit, and it went "louder", and then "LOUDER" and then they came back out and alkjdfal my brain kind of died. they did fan (WHICH WAS AMAZING) so many more, i cant remember, but it. was. insane.

okay breaking down of One: Tablo dedicated it for friends, saying "this is for some friends...friends that cant be here, actually--because they left the world--and" and thats as much as i remember. it was really sad, because i remember about his friend that died and was tablos final push to make music. and he started it off sort of acoustic-version, but acoustic for rap. tukutz spun a little and beatbox DG was doing his thing. the crowd was totally with them and then when it came time for the start of the chorus, the "you are the one" we all shouted it, but it was silent, and tablo shook his finger and the track behind him went you are-you are-you are-y-y-y-y-y-you are the ONE. and it just busted out in this really sick, fast One version and it was pretty badass. everyone went crazy. its in the video i linked.

guh. it was so hot too, it smelled like a really sweaty chlorine pool lol and this door kept opening somewhere and there would be a split second of air.

but i havent been to a concert that intense in...years. it may be one of the most intense ones ive been too. it was that sick. i miss it. i miss feeling that alive, it was so good. it was raw and it was real and it was personal. they are so good to their fans. they really are. i felt so...there just arent words. it was so alive. it was burning up, it was amazing.

i cant wait for them to come back. like...i want to say more, but i dont know how. i dont know what to say any--WAIT NO OMG I DO.

okay so we were contemplating hanging around to wait for them but we got chased out by security anyways and we were walking up and there was this commotion by the back like...walkway, idk, of the house and so i go up and im like "what the--what is going--oh. its tukutz."

epik high was just fuckin chillin, lol. like. right there! there was this thing set up because they were taking pictures in front of it, so it was kind of like a screen but tukutz was hanging around the side of it taking pictures of the people and it was just so WEIRD but so cool?!

and shauna was too short to see anything lol

but then i looked to the left and WTF theres tablo. just CHILLIN. like. who does that?!

and then myk is with him and stuff and theyre just talking to people, it was crazy. and then the others left and then myk came around the screen thing and started shaking hands and saying hi to people and then started SIGNING STUFF and i stuck out my map the soul cd but the guy said one more and i was SO close but not close enough. but it was so cool nonetheless.

theyre so...caring, about their fans. it was unlike anything else. and dont give that "well some bands are too big" nah, if you trust the fans, and they trust you, you can connect with them. it isnt hard. epik high is huge, so that isnt an excuse. they're just on a level that is so personal and real and close with their fans. it really is amazing. it was...one of the best nights of my life. i loved it. i always WILL love it. it has inspired me to write again (and i have) and it has just been an experience unlike anything ive ever seen, heard, felt.

it was so. fucking. epik.

edit: then there was the fansign the next day but we didnt know about it so we missed it :(

and thats the end of my incoherentness. thanks for sticking with it till the end if youre reading this :)

fandom: epik high, adventures, ramblings

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