I am a lying liar who lies.

Mar 20, 2009 18:31

heyyyyyy guys. here we go. first order of business:


-- im suspending all activity for an undetermined amount of time. I havent posted in so long its probably lost me the few readers i actually had, but the point is, that means DBPK updates are not every two weeks again until i end hiatus. I may or may not work on fics in the meantime. I just cant say for sure. sorry. sorry if i promised you one, sorry if i told you i was updating, posting, whatever, sorry if you read DBPK, just...sorry. i cant say when ill be back, but it isnt going to be as short as last time. I'll miss it but my writing is shit at the moment so its good for me.

second order of business: i hit a pot hole, got a flat, lost a lot and feel like a retard and all i want to do is throw up, really.

third order of business: ive gained 5 lbs from my entire stint in alabama (not since the diet, or anything, just on a whole) and went up from a 25 to a 27 and i am not. happy. about. it.

fourth order of business: boys are idiots (not in the funny way, they really frickin are) and im an idiot for thinking anything good can come from them.

fifth order of business: kangteuk comm, im sorry. i really am, i know i havent been there, but it IS really fast paced and hard to keep up with, so its not like im trying to be absent. just...please wait for me? at least in that one post. i just cant handle extra drama right now cuz i have enough of it in real life.

i think thats about it. suju album is awesome, i may have already overplayed it, diet is still awful but im starting again after spring break, my life is starting to resemble a little something like shambles and im trying to stop it before it gets all the way there, and i cant think of anything more to say.



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