Mar 05, 2009 12:23

Hey guys.

whats up.

okay if i havent replied to a thread or loltastic convo or really any convo or comment or whatever lately, its because ive most likely lost it in the FLOOD OF THINGS IM TRYING TO KEEP UP WITH.

not like...life stuff, but like. lj stuff. sometimes i have a hard time replying to it all because of CERTAIN PEOPLE kori and many of you whom i dearly love fadedandinsane, well. we have LONG ASS THREADS.

so if 1.) youre new to being on my flist or 2.) youre not and youre one of the culprits (IM LOOKING AT YOU, KAYEKORIFADED) well. please dont be offended.

im trying to get to it all

and it would be a really big help if you would like...recomment on that comment so i can get it and be like oh, hey, i should probably comment back on this before it grows exponentially and EATS MY INBOX. if you want/care for a reply, that is. if you dont really care, dont mind me XD

also: a lot of my newly added friends, im reading your entries, i just havent commenteeeeeeed but i wiiiiiiill ♥

everyone, flist, yesung ruins lives, help, making things more difficult than they n, alskdjfal, ramblings

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