Going 100 MPH and Running On Empty

Feb 23, 2009 23:48

overload, you guys.

first order of business:

--I'm sorry to those who do/have been reading my Chapter fic, DBPK. I know last post was supposed to be friday, the 20th, but I have had so much homework and so much just...stuff and i really cant put out a quality fic chapter right now. I'm really sorry.

I didn't want this to happen, but somehow i knew it would. So, to give me time to regain my sanity after midterms and work and just...everything, Chapter 4 post will now be on March 6th, the date that was supposed to be Chapter 5. Again, im really sorry. I know not many read this measly little chapter, but for those of you who do, I'm sorry i let you down. I'll work harder, i promise. I'll update friday if i get the chance, but it's unlikely. 미안해. I'll work hard at doing my best for you. Please have faith in me.

--as for all other fics: dont expect any until DBPK CH4 is up. mian.


--theyre kicking my ass you guys, seriously. I didnt know they were like. this week, since spring break is still 3 weeks away. wtf, guys. I had a japanese oral quiz on friday, a japanese midterm today, both of which i did not know about/prepare for, i have a korean test tomorrow (in the class i have been asleep in for the majority of. its the teacher, i swear. omg dont even get me started), i have a paper due in my acting class on wednesday and a scene due the next week and im working with a partner that really has a bad way of showing she gives a shit, i have a classics (greeco-roman mythology) test on wednesday as well that i found out about today and ive missed 2 classes in, both of which are an hour and twenty five minutes each, and every damn wednesday i have a quiz in my global studies class, every one of them i have been failing because no, sorry, i dont remember to check the british news every day.

...WOOH. that was a mouthful. someone smite me please. no sleep for me tonight.

--YONSEI: i have yet to apply, have yet to start the immensely complicated authorization process for my university, have yet to renew my passport, and have yet to figure out if i can even pay my broke-ass over there because i cant find another job, fer srs. im just...so....i need at least a thousand, you guys, one to get me there for certain and two because whats the point of going to korea for five weeks if i can pay my way there but im broke when i actually get there? even one dollar ramen is too expensive at this point. so i guess there goes SAKUNs and a badass korean wardrobe. i want to work. i just...i cant. i have to but i cant. just...ugh.

third order of business:

--im on a diet (shut up, okay? i want to do it and dont go D: on me because i can hide things awfully well, a pudgy belly being one of them. just because you dont see it doesnt mean it isnt there.) and its girlscout cookie time and ihop is giving away free pancakes tomorrow and everywhere i go theres food and its so hard. at least tomorrow i can add dairy. if you want to know what im on, its called the rice diet. but yeah, my plan is to do this until spring break, binge on cheap asian food in California, then come back down and do it until KMF, binge AGAIN (because it just isnt over here and i dont care if spicy kimchi noodles make me sick, i want them) and then do it until korea and then...you get the idea.

thank God for korichan because if someone wasnt watching my ass i would have caved already and its day-friggin-one. hwaiting :/

--꽃보다남자 is killing me.

--ALABAMA. IS REALLY. SUCKING. and i cant tell my father or my uncle or my grandma and i cant leave but i cant stay here and i like it but then i hate it and everything happens in california and now i cant try for Berkley because my brother wants to go there and now i dont want to take it away in case its his thing because i love him too much to tread on his territory. Jimminy-crickets.

--friend is in the hospital with 3 blood clots next to her heart, trouble breathing, and broke a fever in a warning of possible pneumonia and her mom already has a nervous breakdown if you tell her you dont want anything from the store. prayers would be lovely times a billion.

--i just...cant. do it. all.

and i want to.

you guys, send me instant curry or some samoas. please.

i just...want to do it all. and im running on empty. O weekend, come swiftly.

instant curry heals the heart, idefk, korea, oh for fucks sake, omfg, help, get me out of here, ramblings, wtf

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