Super Junior; KangTeuk; Wearing Thin

Feb 13, 2009 22:55

Title: Wearing Thin
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: KangTeuk
Word Count: 2027
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Eeteuk and Kangin lose their shit after being denied some lovin' (hows that for a damn summary, huh?! what, you want some of this, punk?!?)
Genre: crack, fluff, humor
A/N: for ily_fosho cuz we're married and i kinda sorta love her. Lysa was feeling down, and I decided to cheer her up with some good all umma/appa lovin. not...her umma/appa...thatd be weird. but yeah its really rough and kinda dumb but lol everyone needs a bit of kangteuk and everyone needs a bit of crack and whats better than crack!kangteuk.


Eeteuk has had a long, long day. Eunhyuk fell asleep on his shoulder on the ride home from Sukira, which thwarted his plans of falling asleep on his (no matter how bony or uncomfortable) shoulder, and thus he had to deal with the light snuffles blowing into his ear for the entire 20 minute drive. He gently roused Eunhyuk as they pulled up to the apartment and they climbed the steps together laboriously before stumbling over the threshold into the dark living room. Eunhyuk promptly ran into the back of the couch, slid down it, and fell asleep on the floor.

Eeteuk stared at him blearily. Sighing, he picked up one of the sleeping boy’s arms and dragged him slowly down the hall and into his room.

Emerging after a soft thump of Eunhyuk’s dead weight hitting the floor, he shuffled into his bedroom. Yes was all he could think as he saw the soft comforter piled on top of his bed, a large mass on one side that meant a warm and cuddly Kangin was waiting for him. Yesss he thought blissfully again, stumbling over to the bed. YESSS his mind hissed as he lifted the cool covers and slipped into the warm spot right behind Kangin, fully clothed. YESSSSSSS he sighed internally, closing his eyes, snuggling closer-

“Nope,” Kangin mumbled into the pillow.

Eeteuk pulled back the covers, slid out of bed, padded back down the hall, toed back on his shoes and stumbled back out the door for the meeting with the managers and the rest of the leaders of the SM Town concert groups at the only hour they could all manage.


Kangin has had a long, long, long fucking day. Hankyung had accidentally helped himself to the last of Heechul’s instant ramen.

…That's it. (It was Heechul’s).

Eeteuk sat at the computer in their shared room, haired pulled back into the dumbest ponytail Kangin had seen, peering at the screen with Heechul’s glasses on. He kind of looked like a retard, but that’s what Kangin likes, so it worked out. He shut the door behind him and sauntered up, pausing at the side of Eeteuk’s chair, hand resting on the back of it. The older raised his head and blinked at Kangin as he made his way over. He pursed his lips, a small smile spreading at the corners, and he reached up to pull the spectacles off with his fingertips. If Kangin sauntered, it meant a special occasion.

“Hey,” he said lightly to Kangin’s crotch.

Kangin smiled down at him. “Hi.”

Eeteuk raised his eyes, smile widening. “Long time no see. I’ve missed you.”

“Aww. Momma need some lovin’?” Kangin said, grinning down at him. Eeteuk stood up, sliding his hands up Kangin’s torso to press against his chest as he did so. Kangin’s hands came around to rest on Eeteuk’s hips, and he swayed slightly. Had anyone walked in at this particular moment, he would be embarrassed by the little semi-dance, and marriage jokes would last for a week, but he figured he might as well indulge. They’ve been busy. And not in the way he would have liked.

“What if I do?” Eeteuk giggled, leaning forward slightly. Kangin tilted his head down, trying to control his smirk as he closed the distance-


The door to the bedroom ricocheted of the wall and swung half-shut again. Eeteuk and Kangin jerked up to focus on a rather flustered-looking Donghae, looking quite pale. He jabbed a finger down the hall in the direction of bigger rooms.

“I-kitchen-help-“ his hands waved in the air wildly, making bizarre gestures, “-mess everywhere-I-you-come-kitchen-fire-“

“What?” yelped Eeteuk. Kangin just gaped at Donghae intelligently.


A girlish sob of horror and panic filtered from the kitchen. It sounded a lot like Ryeow-


“SHIT-“ the pair swore, tearing out of the room, Donghae following in hot pursuit with one of Kangin’s favorite shirts as a makeshift rescue fire blanket.


Discarded Chinese takeout boxes stood on the bedside table, left unusually careless, the remnants of dinner not cleaned up. Kangin had convinced Eeteuk that leaving them wasn’t going to cause a disaster, and that they could take care of it later. He secretly agreed; he was too exhausted. It was nice to take a break, to spend time with Kangin and not worry. The rest of the members were in the living room watching a movie with their respective take-out. Calm. Quiet. Hazard-free.

Kangin trailed his fingertips lightly across the skin of Eeteuk’s arm, the other arm propping himself up on his elbow as the older giggled at the patterns tickling his skin. Eeteuk nestled closer, knees pressing against Kangin’s, their feet tangled together. The older looked up from where he lay on the bed, head resting on the other’s pillow.

“You look tired,” Kangin noted softly.

“I am,” came the flat reply. Eeteuk closed his eyes as he felt a warm, slightly rough hand tread through his hair. He purred ever so slightly and nodded up into the touch. Kangin chuckled and kept going. After a few strokes, Eeteuk let out a soft sigh and pressed closer to the younger boy, who stiffened just slightly, hand continuing to stroke through the other’s hair without interruption. Kangin felt fingertips press against the front of his hip bone, just brushing the skin where his t-shirt rode up as Eeteuk shifted closer again, more noticeably. Kangin contemplated whether or not this was purposeful, until Eeteuk’s legs pressed between his, limbs twining together.

Well then.

He looked down at him, eyebrows raised. “So, I take it you’re too tired for-“

“Oh, shut up,” Eeteuk said, fingers coming up to tangle in Kangin’s hair and tug him down. Kangin sighed contentedly into the kiss, gentle at first. He had missed this. The sigh turned into a low moan, however, as Eeteuk nipped as his bottom lip, tongue slipping out to sweep along the bottom. Kangin’s hands moved to Eeteuk’s waist as the older pulled up and closer, pressing their chests together, arms winding around Kangin’s neck.


“Oh for FUCK’S SAKE-“ Kangin exploded, as he pulled away to glare at the intruder and Eeteuk fell back slightly in shock, staring up towards the door alarmingly.

Sungmin stood in the middle of it, face screwed up, close to tears. He clutched his hands and sniffed before he let out a loud wail, flinging an arm dramatically in the general direction of the other members.

“KYUHYUN-“ he began hysterically, breaking off into a distressed sob. Kangin pinched his fingers to the bridge of his nose, shutting his eyes wearily.

“What happened?” prompted Eeteuk, and Kangin was glad to hear at least a little exasperation in his voice, whether it was for being interrupted or if it was because of the fact that they couldn't go 12 hours without a genuine crisis on their hands.

“He won’t come out of the bathroom!” Sungmin said tearfully. “Heechul called him fat and he ran in and locked the doors and I keep hearing flushing and he won’t let me in-“

An hour and a half later, after much pounding on the door, an electric screwdriver, pleading and bribing and a few fake-apologies later, Kyuhyun was freed of the bathroom. Eeteuk sank down to the floor, knees tucked into his chest and face in his arms. He wasn't a leader, he was a crisis diffuser. Kangin just sighed and got a beer.

“Kyuhyun’s not fat he’s just filling out-“ yelled Sungmin.

“The only filling in this situation is in all those doughnuts-“ cackled Heechul gleefully. Kyuhyun launched himself at him, howling in self-conscious rage. A mass of flailing limbs and shrieks of pain by what could only be innocent members caught in the hallway tussle ensued. Ryeowook backed away hastily as Siwon went down under Kibum who had tripped over Eunhyuk who had just been standing there when Hankyung had pushed him in his haste to pry Kyuhyun away from a winded Heechul still squawking insults around the hand at his throat, his own palm pressed into someone’s face, a foot in his back and a face pressed into the wall next to his head-

Eeteuk screwed up his face and took pleasant solace in banging his head against the wall.

(“What are you going to do, crush me with your THIGHS-“)


“Hey, you did good out there,” said Kangin, grinning at Eeteuk as he made his way past the other members in the dressing room. They had a short break as CSJH went solo on stage before they had to get ready for the night performances. Yunho, Eunhyuk, and Donghae chatted in a corner along with various other members scattered throughout the generous room. Heechul was jabbering away with Siwon and Hankyung by the mirrors and Shindong, Hyoyeon, and Yuri were laughing at something by the clothes racks. Eeteuk picked his way around them, smiling at Kangin.

“You did pretty well yourself. Didn’t forget any moves, I see.”

“Yah! I’ve gotten a lot better,” the younger retorted, adding a playful sulkiness to his voice.

“First Snow will live forever…” said Eeteuk wistfully, trailing off.

Kangin swatted at him. “Hey, you messed up in that one too.”

Eeteuk pretended to consider this, before coming back with “Yeah, but I still do it better.” He shot a glance at him from the corner of his eyes.

“…Is that so?”

“Mhm,” drawled Eeteuk, stepping closer to Kangin, standing over his lap from where Kangin lounged in one of the folding chairs. His fingers rested lightly on the other’s shoulders as he cocked his head, a smirk pulling at his mouth. “I can show you,” he offered innocently.

Kangin’s hands reached up to tug Eeteuk down by his slim hips, fitting them against his as he pulled him into his lap. The older smiled darkly at him. “Show me.”

Eeteuk’s fingers slid up the back of Kangin’s neck, pushing up to twist in his dark hair as he pressed their mouths together, teasingly at first, but increasingly more desperate. He rolled his hips into Kangin’s, the younger’s hands coming down to smooth over the curve of his ass and pull him closer. Eeteuk arched up, pushing against his chest, tilting Kangin’s head back as his tongue slipped past the younger’s lips expertly, eliciting a soft moan from the back of Kangin’s throat.

“Oh, ew,” said Heechul, wrinkling his nose as he looked in their direction. “That’s…that's just…ew.”

A communal groan came from the members in the room as their attention was drawn to the pair in the middle. Eeteuk ignored them as Kangin raised a hand to flip Heechul off.

“Yeah, that's like watching my parents making out, or something,” said Donghae, looking slightly confused and very disturbed. He paused for a second, brows knitting together over some internal thought before he clapped a hand over his eyes. “Oh f-EW, now look what you did-“ Yunho snickered at the mental image Donghae must be having.

Shindong chuckled before whispering not-so-quietly to Hyoyeon and Yuri and, well, the rest of the room, “I think they've just stopped caring. I mean, they haven’t done it in probably months-“

“Hyung how do you even know,” questioned Kibum, looking at him kind of strangely. Shindong fixed him with an unreadable expression.

“I’ve been able to sleep,” he said flatly. The surrounding crowd grimaced.

Kangin didn't really care what was going on around him, or that the others could see Eeteuk straddling his lap, sucking on that one spot on his neck just below his ear. Eeteuk didn't seem to care either, which was the real miracle. Well, he probably figured the others owed it to them. Privacy be damned, he thought as Heechul whistled at them to get a room. If they didn't like it, they could just leave.

Which they did. Kangin figured it was a smart move, because 5 minutes later there was a lot less clothes involved and a much, much happier Kangteuk.

They have had a long, long day.


love ya lysa. <3 ;D

rating: pg-13, genre: crack, fic, genre: fluff, genre: humor, character: eeteuk, character: kangin, pairing: kangteuk, fandom: super junior

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