Super Junior; KyuMin; Surprises

Aug 22, 2008 13:02

Title: Surprises
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin
Word Count: 1,265
Rating: R
Summary: Sungmin has a special Christmas gift for Kyuhyun.
Genre: Humor/Smut
A/N: So I know on my journal it says that this would have been up on the 15th, but then I had to have schm0use read it first and write her own Kyumin, but then I got lazy and didn't want to re-read/edit, and then I had to leave for college and I WAS BUSY, okay?? Anyways I had to cut out a lot of stuff, because there was too many descriptions in the smut part and there still is but it was worse before, and I was using big, somewhat un-sexy words, so those had to go. So here's the finished product. I hope you like. I also was compelled to write a very hot Kihae last night in which Donghae gets fucked on a table but I still need to reread/edit that one too, so be patient but it even got me off and I was the one writing it, so I guess thats a good sign. O Fishy. How I love you.

Kyuhyun didn’t like surprises.

He also didn’t like receiving gifts.

Even so, he prepared himself for the Christmas gift Sungmin was bound to get him by conjuring up one of his own to exchange with. He was certain Sungmin would love the hot pink tie and matching pink button-down shirt, and, to be honest, he was almost a little excited to give it to him-almost.

The doorbell rang and Kyuhyun automatically went to answer the door, already expecting the smiling Sungmin on the other side with a small wrapped gift in his hands.

“Merry Christmas, Sungmin,” greeted Kyuhyun as he shut the door and helped brush the light dust of snow from the back of Sungmin’s jacket. Sungmin smiled at him warmly.

“Merry Christmas, Kyuhyun,” he said enthusiastically, stepping into the large family room as he spoke, casting an awed look at the humongous 7’3” tall, spectacularly decorated Christmas tree. “Merry Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Cho,” he said to the couple standing next to the ivory couch. They smiled kindly back at him and ushered him to come further into the very formally decorated living room. Sungmin breathed in the smell of cinnamon-scented pinecones and appreciated the fragrant warmth of the room compared to the chilling, slightly snowy outside of the house.

“I have a present for you,” Kyuhyun said from behind him, and Sungmin turned to see a large rectangle held out in front of him wrapped in silver paper, donning a gold bow and ribbon in the corner. A wide grin spread across his face. Kyuhyun could just see the small bit of disappointment behind the smile as he thwarted Sungmin’s hopes of actually catching Kyuhyun off guard and surprising him with an unannounced present. Kyuhyun felt Sungmin might as well give up hope because Kyuhyun was never surprised, and Sungmin would just keep getting disappointed with every failed attempt.

Sungmin opened his pink tie and shirt and squealed a very enthusiastic “Thank you, Kyuhyun, you’re the best!” just like expected. What Kyuhyun was not expecting was the mischieveous glint that suddenly appeared in Sungmin’s eyes as he set down his gift and picked up Kyuhyun’s from the coffee table where he’d left it. He handed the pale pink-wrapped box to Kyuhyun slyly.

“I’ve gotten you something, too-“ began Sungmin, “but don’t open it in front of-“ he started to say, but Kyuhyun wasn’t listening and had already ripped off the paper and was opening the lid of the small box.

Kyuhyun always tried to get the whole gift-giving-process over with as fast as possible, so he never hesitated to unwrap a gift quickly, deliver the expected thank you (sincerity optional), and move on from the awkward event, and he didn’t hesitate to unwrap the gift from Sungmin now. He sorely wished he had, however.

Kyuhyun stared down into the small box at a pair of gleaming, authentic-looking silver handcuffs with a small pink bow tied to the chain.

So did his parents.

Sungmin found an interesting-looking speck on the wall behind him and stared at that, instead.

There was a long silence. Kyuhyun’s mother cleared her throat awkwardly, gently nudging away the camera she had perched at the edge of the small glass table, having planned on taking a picture of the gift transaction. Kyuhyun’s father made a small, indistinguishable noise in the back of his throat. Both of them looked anywhere but at Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun looked up from the gift and took a deep, calming breath, closing his eyes, mortified.

Another silence. Kyuhyun’s mother broke it first. “I think I’m in the mood for some cider,” she said, dissipating the thick silence. She flashed a small, embarrassed smile at them, and disappeared into the kitchen.

“I…well...I-um…well, yes.” stammered Kyuhyun’s father awkwardly, making vague gestures in the direction of the kitchen as well, though it probably didn’t matter where he was trying to say he was going, as long as it was any room but this. He coughed a little and wandered away, mumbling something about eggnog and very important things he suddenly remembered he had to do. Sungmin stopped examining the fleck on the wall and shot a glance at Kyuhyun.

“Handcuffs?” Kyuhyun questioned, sounding uncertain and slightly horrified, but Sungmin caught the hint of humor in his voice.

Sungmin shrugged. “At least I surprised you.”

“What makes you think that?” asked Kyuhyun.

Sungmin gave him a patronizing look. “You should see the look on your face. It’s positively adorable. I should surprise you more often, you’re cute when you’re stunned.”

Sungmin did surprise Kyuhyun more, starting that night.

Kyuhyun’s wrists strained against the handcuffs effectively constraining his hands to the headboard of his bed, panting as he tried to reach the now very elusive Sungmin hovering just above his bare chest. Sungmin laughed quietly, breathy, and lazily trailed the soft silk material of his new pink tie over Kyuhyun’s stomach. A shiver raced across Kyuhyun’s skin, catching his breath in his throat. Sungmin was straddling him, eyes dark, lips red and swollen from their passionate, greedy kisses, and Kyuhyun found his helplessness a sort of trigger, exciting him now that Sungmin could do whatever he wanted to Kyuhyun. His heart pouded in his chest, every inch of his skin on end as the material ghosted over it. Sungmin also seemed to enjoy having Kyuhyun at his mercy. He shifted slightly, allowing his weight to press slightly on Kyuhyun’s crotch. Kyuhyun gasped and then groaned in displeasure as Sungmin moved away, tortuously leaving him without friction or contact of any kind. Kyuhyun’s breathing increased, his eyes shut tight, trying to will Sungmin’s body onto his own, the fact that he couldn’t force him himself making him frustrated and aroused at the same time. He pushed his hips up, longing for more touch. Sungmin’s hands fisted in the pink material, making the tie taut, and slid it firmly up and in between Kyuhyun’s legs, slowly, agonizingly, pulling a louder, yearning moan from the younger boy stretched along the bed beneath him. Sungmin chuckled slightly, the sound deep in his throat with lust. Kyuhyun ached with need, straining against his bonds, his breathing heavy and ragged as he tried to clear his mind.

“Do you like your present?” Sungmin asked quietly, his voice husky.

Kyuhyun’s back arched at the sound of his lustful voice. “Yes. Yes, Sungmin, please I can’t take it anymore-“ his breathing was erratic as his wrists strained again at the cold metal cuffs. “And what are these things made of, steel?” he asked desperately.

“They’re authentic police handcuffs,” Sungmin said, voice dark and possessive. “I wanted to make sure you couldn’t break through those cheap toy ones.” His eyes flashed. “This way I know you’re completely in my hands.”

“That’s just the thing,” whined Kyuhyun, and he pushed his hips up desperately again. “I’m not.”

Sungmin chuckled again, deep and throaty, and dragged a long finger up the underside of Kyuhyun’s cock through his jeans, abruptly drawing a long moan from Kyuhyun’s slightly parted lips. “I can fix that,” he whispered, lips just by his ear, breath hot and tickling the small hairs on Kyuhyun’s neck, damp with sweat. He pressed a kiss to the underside of Kyuhyuns jaw before moving his lips lower and doing something with his tongue that made Kyuhyun writhe under Sungmin, made him dig his fingernails into his palms, bite his lip, made him arch his back and cry out and call Sungmin’s name over and over in the dark.

Kyuhyun was wrong. He did like surprises after all.

rating: g, character: sungmin, fic, genre: humor, genre: smut, character: kyuhyun, pairing: kyumin, fandom: super junior

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