Super Junior; Kyuhyun; I Think He's Dead

Nov 07, 2008 00:12

Title: I Think He's Dead.
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: none
Word Count: 701
Rating: PG
Summary: Kyuhyun is possibly deceased. Stupid ensues.
Genre: crack
A/N: Idk where this came from. I just wanted to write something. I think i'll write more...maybe that kyumin smut i promised a long time ago and forgot about XD oh well. i hope my lapse into random unbeta'd crack doesnt fail too hard. happy suju aniversary, btw! ♥

“I think he’s dead.”

“No, no he’s definitely alive. Kangin, tell me he’s alive.”

“He’s dead.”



Sungmin made a face as he peered into the blank eyes of the younger boy sitting cross-legged in front of him. He tentatively reached out a finger and poked him. In the eye.

“Sungmin, what are you doing don’t poke him in the eye-“ Eeteuk said exasperatedly. Sungmin shrugged.

“I thought it was the best way to get him to respond.”

“Had you tried his cheek?”


“Well try that first don’t just go around poking people in the eye-“

“Who’s poking who in the eye?” Donghae asked, wandering past the living room and into the kitchen with a tower of dishes that reeked of sour milk. They had obviously just come out of his room, and from the way they smelled, had probably been festering for around a month. Possibly more.

“Sungmin is poking Kyuhyun in the eye.”


“He’s dead.” Kangin piped up from the couch.

“Would you stop saying that?” Eeteuk hissed at him frantically. “It doesn’t help my nerves at all.”

“You’re the one who let the magnae die under your leadership,” Kangin said, shrugging. Eeteuk slapped his palm to his forhead and sighed, grinding his teeth together.

“Kyuhyun. Is not. Dead.” he ground out tersely. He took a deep breath. It didn’t do anything. “He’s just…comatose.”

Donghae wandered back in to the living room, pulling thick rubber gloves over his hands, a sanitary mask dangling from one of them. “Did Sungmin poke his cheek before he tried the eye?”

“No,” Eeteuk said, with a pointed look at Sungmin, who shrugged.

“Good, the cheek never works, anyway.” Sungmin smiled triumphantly. Eeteuk sighed and threw himself into the nearest armchair.

“What are we supposed to do about him?” he asked, voice in the range of I’m About To Have A Mental Breakdown.

“Bury him?” Kangin suggested, trying to be helpful.

Eeteuk threw a pillow at his face.

In the small scuffle that ensued for the next few minutes, which involved Kangin tackling Eeteuk, Sungmin trying to pry him off of the gasping leader, and Eeteuk bopping Kangin on the head consecutively, the three rolling around and bumping into the un-responsive magnae repeatedly, no one noticed Donghae slip from the room quietly. Thankfully, a moment later, Kibum arrived following behind Donghae, before the tussle on the floor could do actual harm to the catatonic boy next to them, because Kangin hadn’t taken of his shoes and a sneaker to the face could potentially do some damage.

Kibum trotted over and sat down next to Kyuhyun, grabbing the controller by him without a word and beginning to press complicated combinations of buttons rapidly. A few small explosions sounded from the flickering screen, before Kibum set down the controller casually.


Eeteuk, Sungmin, and Kangin’s heads all whipped around to stare in disbelief and mixed shades of relief as the soft curse issued from the youngest’s mouth. Kangin stared, open-mouthed. Eeeteuk’s face twitched and he let out what sounded like the choked sob of a pitiful and small dying creature. Sungmin simultaneously attempted to pry the fingers from around Eeteuks throat while trying to watch Kyuhyun with the appropriate amount of surprise. The three paused for a second, limbs tangled and faces stunned, pale, or turning steadily purple.

“He’s ALIVE!” Kangin said, giving Eeteuk a small shake.

“Yes, but Eeteuk’s not.” said Sungmin, sadly.

Kangin’s eyes flickered to the boy unconscious beneath him. There was a beat of silence. He loosened his hold on him slowly, eyes shifting around the room awkwardly.

“Oh. …Oops.”

“He’ll come around,” Kyuhyun said, his eyes still fixed unblinkingly on the screen like they had been for the past three hours. Sungmin rolled his eyes at the reversal of roles. “And hyung, please don’t poke me in the eye.”

Donghae trotted over and tugged on Kibum’s sleeve. Kibum stared fixedly at the television. His hands flew across the controller. Donghae tugged again. No response.

He sighed and shook his head before grabbing a can of air freshener, some bug spray, and a violent-looking spatula from the kitchen before heading back to his room.

Video games.

started: 11:34 p.m. 11.6.08
finished: 12:23 a.m. 11.7.08

im sorry for the fail TT_____TT

genre: crack, character: sungmin, fic, character: donghae, character: eeteuk, character: kangin, character: kyuhyun, fandom: super junior, rating: pg

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