Permissions / IC concerns post for capeandcowl

Oct 01, 2010 19:09

So Josh may have gotten majorly nerfed, thanks to the conditions in C&C, but that's not going to stop him from getting all up in everyone's business because he's a troll like that.

Stolen right from his app, his powers are as follows:

--Passive telepathy: reading other people's surface thoughts fairly easily, digging deeper requiring more effort and at the expense of the individual noticing, earnest denial works as a mental block, and unable to speak into other people's heads.

--Memory manipulation: scaled down from his canon capabilities - being able to "hold onto" specific memories or facts out of other people's heads, making them unable to recall the information until he returns it to them. The more memories he's holding from other people / the bigger the span of time, the more difficult it is for him to hold it.

--Ability to switch to his Composer form: The Composer's UG form, only on the normal plane at Cape and Cowl. Appears older than his normal form, and is comprised of solid energy. Allows him to fly and teleport, and is more difficult to damage (due to the lack of physical make up). Obviously won't be used in front of most people, if he's to keep his cover as a harmless kid.

What I need from you guys is a poke from whoever has psychic blocks, whoever is okay with him messing around with in their head, whoever wants to be trolled, etc. His powers obviously don't work unless he's with you in person, and he's not a ginormous Big Bad that will cause you pain just because. If anything, he'll only protect his personal interests and skeeve you out a bit, all serious gigantic plots aside.

This post also serves as an ooc poke if I'm letting him get too out of line. I obviously don't want to make anyone irritated or uncomfortable, but the character himself makes no promises. >_>

1, 2, 3, go.

permissions post, ooc

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