More random "my kid is the smartest kid in the universe" bragging.

Sep 30, 2003 01:09

Corwin has liked to do "artwork" for a while. For a toddler, what this mostly means is random scribbling on whatever is available with anything that can make a mark. With Corwin, we have managed to direct his art away from the walls, and to nice big sheets of paper, with a good selection of markers or paper for him to play with.

This evening, Corwin was sitting at the art table, concentrating hard. I look over at what he is doing and say to Valkyrie: "It looks like he's trying to write - those look like letters."

Her response: "Yes, he's been doing that lately".

I don't think we are going to get words or poetry from him yet, but there is an interesting selection of squiggles on the paper that look vaguely like letters.
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