Five years ago today, Valkyrie and I dressed up in some really spiffy clothes, looked deep into each others eyes, and said
"I Do." Thanks for asking me to marry you, Valkyrie.
It seems to have become a tradition of mine that I will remember this occasion with a short post in my LiveJournal - I wasn't using LiveJournal until September 2003, so my
third anniversary is the first with a note. Last year I also posted a note for the
fourth. Anniversary gifts for the fifth anniversary are either wood or silverware. Somehow, we ended up doing both, I think. I got a nice set of silverware for Valkyrie; and while we were shopping for the silverware, Valkyrie found four nice wooden chairs that we are now using in the kitchen.
After five years, we seem to be settling down into a comfortable life together. The kids are growing, the house is steadily becoming nicer and more organized. Kjersti
radiates cuteness. Corwin is great fun, and
a playful three year old. The two fight some (like kids that age will), but overall,
they are very good to each other.