Title: Sundown, Sunup Pairing: Lavender/Parvati Rating: PG rarepair_shorts prompt: 6. I can't leave it all behind (My table) Word count: ~1,400 Summary: Lavender never expected it to go as badly as it had.
Lav/Vati may start to become my favorite femslash pairing because the writers are just amazing. Thanks for uploading! I've never read a fic where Padma wasn't supportive but I like the bit about the difference between houses and how that translated into real life situations.
Thank you very much for reading! I don't think that Padma would be unsupportive, in the end, but I can kind of see her reserving judgment for a moment and that's kind of the idea I was playing with. Glad you liked it :)
Oh, this is really sad. I don't even know what to say, your writing is so amazing. I really love this look into Parvati's family, and the lives she has, the different sides of her reality. The emotions, the depressing heartache just feels very real.
This is beautiful, really. Their relationship is so solid and lovely, and you conveyed that in such short words. I love that you really heavily incorporated Parvati's Indian background and the differences between Hogwarts houses. It added a certain depth to the fic that I often find such short pieces lacking. Lovely job!
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