Title: Fire 100moods prompt: 83. Restless (My table) Character: Leto (mention of Leto/Zeus) Pairing: PG Word count: 1,200 Summary: "Her childhood dream was half fulfilled, but the most important part of it had been destroyed."
:) I had to do some research into Leto's parentage but then, oh. Oh oh oh.
I loved it, I'm in awe of it. As per usual.
Artemis and Apollo's start, how they came from Zeus, but mostly Leto. How she looked and looked and never found by herself. How her father fianlly answered her wish, not in the way she wanted nor planned.
My favorite line: she imagined the multiplication had happened when she had been split inside herself (two Leto’s, the one that had happened, kissing Zeus in the red of an evening sun and the other that could have happened, running barefoot on the rock away from his cold advances - somehow, to compensate for the half of her that was missing, she had doubled what she had received).
I just look and read and remember and say "oh." :) I'm so glad you write.
Thank you so much. Leto's fate intrigues me - she is hunted down and humbled by Hera, but then when she gives birth she developes such a strong motherly pride that she eventually comes to the stage where she commands Apollo and Artemis to kill that blasphemous Niobe's children. That's basically all we know of her, and the gap inbetween is tantalising :)
I've never really thought much about Leto; I never really thought about what she would have sacrificed, being hunted by Hera and pregnant. But this has really made me think - and I love how captivating her voice is, and how you write her.
I also absolutely love how much of a contrast this is from the dreamy worlds of Morpheus and the Kharites. She's here and now, and blazing and burning; and I love it all. (Especially the ending - I don't think I can describe how touching your writing is, so I won't try.)
I'm really happy to hear that I'm managing some kind of differentiation in character voices - it's not something that I do consciously, but as I only do character studies and suck at anything else with plot or development, I guess it's a good thing I'm able to do it, even if it's subconsciously ;)
Thank you again, I'm so happy you like my writing so much *warm inside*
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I loved it, I'm in awe of it. As per usual.
Artemis and Apollo's start, how they came from Zeus, but mostly Leto. How she looked and looked and never found by herself. How her father fianlly answered her wish, not in the way she wanted nor planned.
My favorite line: she imagined the multiplication had happened when she had been split inside herself (two Leto’s, the one that had happened, kissing Zeus in the red of an evening sun and the other that could have happened, running barefoot on the rock away from his cold advances - somehow, to compensate for the half of her that was missing, she had doubled what she had received).
I just look and read and remember and say "oh." :) I'm so glad you write.
I've never really thought much about Leto; I never really thought about what she would have sacrificed, being hunted by Hera and pregnant. But this has really made me think - and I love how captivating her voice is, and how you write her.
I also absolutely love how much of a contrast this is from the dreamy worlds of Morpheus and the Kharites. She's here and now, and blazing and burning; and I love it all. (Especially the ending - I don't think I can describe how touching your writing is, so I won't try.)
Thank you again, I'm so happy you like my writing so much *warm inside*
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