Caught up with the comments for now, and fjkdsl, they've been so very lovely all across the board. It's so great to hear that people have been/are enjoying this thing. And more incredibly that there are people who are starting to read it now. (I know that a lot of people avoid WIPs, but I have to be honest and say I'm not sure I'd start on a 155K word story from scratch!) <3 It's really making me feel warm and happy today on such a rainy day.
I haven't had time to do this, but now I do (though technically my study break ended ten minutes ago, oops): go check out this absolutely lovely, atmospheric piece of digital art that
digitalwave has done, inspired by Fabric:
After the Fall (G). It's beautiful. :)
Laterz! *said with Sherlock-leaving-Buckingham-palace flair*