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regan_v May 15 2012, 09:14:55 UTC
You've written post-Reichenbach stories before, very fine ones, but this is my favorite.

You have always grasped so well the damage that Sherlock's actions will have inflicted on John----the guilt over not having realized that Sherlock was close to suicide, the rage over what Sherlock put him through---and this story tells us of that in an elegant, understated fashion. John's retreat into alcoholism is perfectly plausible, and this is heartbreaking to read: that his miracle occurred, and he was too drunk to recognize Sherlock, sitting across the table from him.

And Sherlock's return, and their reunion, is so note-perfect here. Yes, this is such a wonderfully-conveyed mix of anger, sorrow (on Sherlock's part), consolation, and love. It works so well. And you have a plausible reason for Sherlock to take care of John (so expertly). Usually it's the other way around in canon and fanon, of course; but here you have a scenario that works well, while reversing the usual dynamics of hurt/comfort in this pairing.

This story just flows, and it's heart-filling. Thank you! I'll certainly be rec'ing this on my next update.


holyfant May 15 2012, 09:59:38 UTC
Oh, this comment is wonderful! :) Thanks so much for taking the time to say all this to me.

I'm glad you like my post-TRF musings; John's pain is one of the most compelling themes for me to write about, because it's so incredibly complex and uprooting in itself, already, to lose someone to suicide (especially if you really didn't see it coming), and then to get someone back who you thought was lost that way must be absolutely earth-shattering. I can't imagine that John wouldn't have to work through an incredible onslaught of (sometimes contradictory) emotions when Sherlock finally returns. I'm happy you think I've conveyed some of that here. This fic is even more complicated with the problem of addiction added in, so I hoped it wouldn't all get too jumbled.

I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed, and thanks for the rec when it happens! :)


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