Summer 9/8/08 11:22 PM
Summer 9/8/08 11:22 PM
Summer 9/8/08 11:22 PM
Summer 9/8/08 11:22 PM
Summer 9/8/08 11:22 PM
Summer 9/8/08 11:22 PM Nicole Bianchi has me inspired. I, too, would like to renew my interest in BLOGGING. But first, I need an external hard drive. Can't write anything decent without knowing my .mp3 collection is condensed safely within the confines of my Apple hard drive. In all actuality, there are a few more issues at hand, some of which include: the lack of huevos/confidence in my intelligence to share thoughts with any real conviction, an inability to take the Internet seriously, an inability to take myself seriously (a close off-shoot to the no-danglies thing), indulging my every ADD-driven whim in favor of giving something an honest effort, having absolutely zero self-discipline and a real issue with photo hosting/maintaining hi-res quality in my artwork. But I digress.
Or go on? Considering my recent departure from Karenina Court, It's probably best that I get back into a more regular routine of introspection. I'm going to be at my parent's house for at least another week, after which I'll be headed to Ferndale, where I hardly know anyone. It won't be nearly as easy to get problems and ideas off of my chest; in Macomb, I could walk into my front door knowing at least a handful of close friends were around and willing to listen, or at least laugh at me.
Despite any internal fears, I might as well just try to be Me, the Realest Me possible, and keep in mind the idea that my writing will only get clearer, more concise and with time, leave everyone in absolute HYSTERICS. After all, I've decided to put my formal education on the back burner in favor of a little hands-on training at a broadcasting TRADE SCHOOL (a term, by the way, which I am wholly uncomfortable with attributing to myself), so if I ever intend to become any smrtr, it's all on me.
Here's where my mind starts zig-zagging:
On the off-chance I begin my career immediately post-Specs in a field/position with which I'm satisfied, I probably won't finish my degree, but as I've said, that's highly unlikely. I'll also be incredibly disappointed with myself if I never go back to college, reasons for which can be directly attributed to the insane amount of pressure and expectation put upon myself by my grandparents and, I guess, their children from the time I went to my first U of M graduation ceremony on. Also I fully plan on throwing an incredibly long list of accomplishments into my parent's faces at some point in the future. But who doesn't?
Sooo, who is going to bite the bullet and let me temporarily borrow their E.H.D.? I know you're reading this and thinking, man, I totally have one lying around somewhere, but you're selfish, and you need to learn how to be a pal, my hero, my Golden Savior, my Dr. Atkins, stop hoarding and lend it to me!
And don't tell that I can buy a nice one for relatively cheap (~100! No way!) because I'm broke as fuck and don't have the patience to wait around until Hall Rd. business starts picking up again.
So that's that. I'm already resisting deletion. Maybe I should move this thing over to MySpace. I hear that's where the real stuff is happening.