TVD 3.01

Oct 12, 2012 13:26

And I don't really know what I thought about the whole thing after that. I think watching with six other people might have detached me from the excitement. Or maybe it just wasn't that exciting.

Random thoughts, by Character:

Elena - Her transition felt kind of meh to me. At the end, I felt like she was me circa 2005, drunk at some party and all sure - "I'll drink a little of this blood, why not?" (Not that I EVER drank blood, guys. Vodka was more my jam.) I didn't really feel the "I don't want to be a dead thing" vibe that she's always spouting off. I thought the sweet rooftop ending with Stefan was the lamest of all lame things. Seriously - how many times are you guys going to do this whole "we'll make it, if we stay together" bullshit before you figure out it never works?

Stefan - I'm so tired of everything he does being awesome. It's just dumb. And that isn't just the Delena shipper in me talking. I don't hate Stefan. I don't hate Stelena. I just think it is BORING. At this point, I also think Stefan is wasting a lot of energy being perfect anyway. Stefan could rape a puppy and Elena would think it was cute at this point.

Damon - Could give birth to kittens that had the cure for cancer tattooed on their back and it would somehow be the worst travesty of nature ever performed by anyone that ever lived or was undead. I'm over it. Yes, I love Matt. Yes, I think blaming him for Elena and beating him up was mean and unnecessary. But - oh well. Damon isn't a nice person. That doesn't mean that he isn't capable of love and it doesn't mean he doesn't deserve it. Stefan ripped people's heads and limbs off for decades. Is that only okay because those weren't people that Elena knew personally? I think it is time to accept that all vampires do bad things because ALL HUMANS DO BAD THINGS. Acting as if Damon's character is the reason why Stefan is better at this point just doesn't hold weight.

Bonnie - We all know I don't like Bonnie. I won't even get into that. Let's talk about instead how I'm entirely confused by this bizarre witch plot that is already off the rails when it just started. I think I can sum the whole species of witches in one short sentence - Witches are way too angry, yo. They seriously need to chill. Bonnie is trying to save her friend so her dead grandma has to suffer the wrath? In what world does that make sense? Just kill Bonnie or take away her powers if she can't be trusted to use them. If you can do all this crazy mojo and control things from beyond the grave - how hard is it to stop a 17 year old that can't do a locator spell without getting a nosebleed?

Jeremy - Needs to get a plot. Go talk to dead people. Something. You're boring me more than Elena/Stefan.

Caroline - Gets major props for catching on that her boyfriend wasn't her boyfriend. I love her and always will.

Klaus - Needs to chill out too. Seriously. Has he been this uptight since Day 1? Repeat after me, all powerful being, this too shall pass. You're cute, you have a sexy accent, you can morph into a wolf and whammy people with a look. Go somewhere and just make friends. You don't have to bully or make people to hang out with. Stop it.

Rebekah - Is such a spoiled little broken down doll. I feel for her. I do. But at some point you need to just take responsibility for your own un-life. Quit hanging out with your shitty brother and play nice. People will eventually forgive you.

Council-people - Why did you blow yourself up? What? Did I miss something? Were they ALL council people? Or was it just the Pastor? Or did Alaric stop by the zealot commune before he went to the council? I'm confused.

In summation:

I have hope for the coming episodes. I read an article that said something to the effect of maybe this episode was so dialed back because they were trying to be new-viewer friendly. I hope it takes it up a notch next week and we get a little more depth of character and plot.
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