your mission should you choose to accept it

Aug 13, 2010 14:06

So I haven't been around. :( Sorry about that. Life is just busy, at work AND at home. To prove that I'm running out the door - RIGHT now, heading to Nashville.

Just wanted to stop in and say "Hi" and "I miss you".

And I miss writing. Or posting really [because I'm always writing - just not always getting the stuff to YOU]. I'm currently working on this epic Kradam thing that I don't really understand how I started. It's like 7,000 words already and I don't feel like it's finishing up. I blame the Big Bang for this. I do.

In other news - I'm mad at a few of you for not preparing me for the hotness that was [is] Neal Caffrey in snug LEATHER. A girl could hurt herself. What if I'd been eating? I would have choked on attraction. I think someone should make me a header of him wearing the Diesal [maybe holding the gun, if possible] to make it up to me.

And - consequently, I think we should do a Reverse Ficlet Exercise. If I can't find time to fic hunt, I'll attempt to bring the fic to me.

I'm going to leave a handful of fic titles here and I DARE someone to write be ficlets to match. Any pairing really. Even if I don't like the pairing or know the fandom. I just want to read something by you. [If it's something I like, mores the better, I'll owe you one.]

Anyone interested? If not I'll try not to let me feelings get hurt. ;)

Cuban Cigars and Carefully Crafted Lies
I Think He Thinks It Makes Me Weak [it only ever makes me strong]
Once Upon a Midnight Dreary
The Benefits of Butter Over Margarine
Busted Flat in Baton Rouge
Sugar on the Knees of the Baby [sugar on the knees of the girl]
The Ferris Wheel
Dream a Little Dream [of me]
Post-Apocalypse Blues
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Crime Scene

I had a fandom in mind for each of these, but anyone who surprises me by making another fandom work better wins a prize. [Also - anyone who writes a fic entitled "Neal Caffrey in Snug Leather" wins at life.] Please feel free to write any and all. It would be cool if more than one person does the same one.


Happy Weekend! Talk to you Monday!
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