Painting the Roses white ;)

Jul 30, 2007 11:12

Title: Come What May
Fandom: LOST
Pairing: Jack/Sawyer
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, I am only responsible for their fictional corruption.
Summary: Jack and Sawyer travel the world.
Spoilers: No I'm just making stuff up. As usual.
A/N: inthekeyofd, (The Queen of Beauty and fangirl frivolity) wanted white shirts and fun.

Jack and Sawyer travel the world.

Two days ago it was somewhere else, today its here, and tomorrow they could be anywhere.

Two days ago

Sawyer says "Italy" with such conviction Jack can't help but nod. Swivel in his desk chair, let fingers find familiar keys on his laptop, hit enter with equal ferver.

It only takes a minute, a careless scroll down half a page before he finds a flight out that is suitable.

Price no longer matters, but he's done waking up before the sunrise. Sawyer's always slept as late as he could get away with anyway.

Sawyer mumbles something about some novel he's read with his back turned. Slipping a white shirt over his head to join low slung jeans and well worn cowboy boots.

He's saying something about Romans and Gods, coliseums and war, but all Jack hears is want, Sawyer's desire enough to override his apathy.

He finds a hotel next, someplace ostentatious with a view.

Five star room service and hot tubs in every room.

He registers them for five nights knowing they'll be itching to move on by the fourth, printing off the confirmation to slip into his carry on.

When he gently closes the laptop, he looks up to find Sawyer waiting on the terrace. Two drinks on the tiny table between amazingly comfortable chaise lounges, a cigarette on top of a newly opened pack.

Jack finds flip flops, isn't sure if they are his or Sawyer's, knows it doesn't matter. Happily leaving business to join pleasure.

Sawyer is already on his second whiskey. He's one ash away from stealing Jack's Marlboro.

But there is plenty of time to catch up.


They check out of the hotel in Amsterdam.

Taking time to have a late, leisurely brunch in a cafe near the Van Gogh museum. Streudal and strong coffee, and some manner of fresh baked bread with mint jelly.

It's all Sawyer can do to convince Jack they have no time for window shopping. No time to peruse the endless shops for priceless treasures the man never buys.

No time to haunt the Tattoo parlor on the corner for his next addition of ink, another permanent scar to mark their temporary stay.

Jack has many, not one for every spot along the way, but a lot more than when they met. Sawyer likes the one's he was there to witness the birth of, likes to watch them heal, sink and fade into Jack's skin like they've been there all along.

There's a collection of memories they share, snippets one or the other might forget from time to time. Sawyer likes being the one to remind Jack of where they've been and where they are going.

Likes being the one that makes sure they get there.

They arrive at the airport just in time to check their luggage. Pushing it when belt buckles and the matching rings Jack had made of mangled fuselage set off metal detectors. Testing the limits of International travel diplomacy when they have to almost knock down a few people to get to their gate before it stops boarding.

Sawyer grumbles when an ill advised Flight Attendant tries to tell Jack they have overbooked First class.

Laughs when Jack only smirks and whispers "815."

And moments later they are drinking champagne in toasty slippers, watching the sunset get left behind as they gain altitude.

Sawyer watches as Jack's eyes close, keeping his wide open.


Sawyer snaps photos of awe-inspiring buildings older than anything they've seen in a while.

Jack adds them mentally, before they are physically put in a file on his hard-drive.

As evidence of life's dichotomy.

Jack remembers the joke that started all this. Knowing it's probably as fresh in Sawyer's mind as his own. "We've seen the worst, lets find the best."

Loch Fyne and Wales, Ireland and the Aegean Sea, Cyprus and the Pyramids of Egypt. Sawyer has hundreds of shots of rivers and oceans, deserts, valleys, and mountains.

He could have a fine career in photojournalism if he wanted to, if he needed to share his journey with anyone but Jack.

If they wanted the hassle, needed the money, found the time.

They started out small, in the beginning. Sawyer is as interested in Big Sur as in Big Ben, as fascinated with Mystery Hill as he is in Stone Henge. They touched every spot worth noting, before they left.

Alaska and Aspen, The Great Lakes and Time Square. The overpopulated cities and empty ghost towns of America. They exhausted every state, before moving on.

It's an adventure that's taken them farther, gotten them further, than they ever thought possible.


Will be more of the same.

Waking up tangled in white sheets when they feel like it, exhausted from a life well lived instead of one barely survived.

Sawyer will decide where and Jack will follow because somewhere along the line they've figured out what works. Jack's released the burden of control and Sawyer's finally started caring about someone other than himself.

They'll go where they want and do what they will. Together.

All they pack are jeans and t-shirts, comfortable shoes and electronics. Jack's laptop and Sawyer's digital camera. The top of the line toys that keep them connected and disconnected, tethered and free.

They don't have cell phones but Jack checks his email once a week, no more. Sawyer uses hotel phones occasionally when they have to, when someone from the states needs something only one of them can provide.

They haven't completely escaped. Nomads or gypsies, changed or evolved - Jack still has Claire and Sawyer will forever feel a kinship with Kate.

They only plan to keep running until they feel like standing still.

They will go home when they find one.


Jack and Sawyer travel the world.

Two days ago it was somewhere else, today its here, and tomorrow they could be anywhere.

fic: sawyer/jack, fic: luau

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