Scorched app

May 01, 2011 01:49

Out of Character Information

player name: Dubs
player livejournal: the_amazin_dubs
playing here: none
where did you find us? A friend recomended another friend who I decided o follow.
are you 16 years of age or older?: yup~

In Character Information

character name: Dende
Fandom: Dragon Ball Z
Timeline: episode 84 aptly titled Dende's Demise
character's age: By human standards he appears to be about 5, though due to the longetivity of their lifespan I assume him to be about 30, as it it never actually made clear how Namekians age.

powers, skills, pets and equipment:

Dende is immune to any sort of gravity changes. He is also immune to some extreme climate temperatures due to the thick skin of Namekians. He has an improved sense of hearing as well as the ability to regenerate lost limbs and organs, save for his brain. He also knows how to use magic materialize to create objects like clothes and even Dragon Balls. He can also use telepathy to move objects in proportion with his strength, as well as communicating with others. In addition he knows some basic Ki (life energy) manipulation and detection. Lastly he has the unique ability to heal injuries of any sort, and of course he can fly. As far as pets and equipment goes, he’s merely got the clothes on his back. He can materialize everything he needs to survive. These are all abilities he’s capable of naturally, any more powers would be a bit ridiculous considering how much he can already do.

canon history:
Dende’s history is very closely tied in with the history of Namek. Approximately 500 or so years ago on Namek there was a great storm that wiped out most of the inhabitants. The eldest Namek known as Guru lead his people through the tragedy and began to repopulate the Namekian race. And since as far as the cannon mentions he is the only one spawning children, there aren’t many Nameks about. Dende refers to himself as his 108th child, so there probably aren’t many more Namekians than that. Needless to say Guru is held in high regard by all Namekians. He is also the creator and guardian of the Namekian dragon balls, making him all the more important. That is until he dies and the title of Guardian and Elder is past down to Moori, the elder of Dende’s Village.

Now this title cannot be passed down to just anyone. This is where the Namekian clans come into play. There are two definite clans and one theoretical clan. First there is the warrior clan of warrior Namekians. They are proficient at combat but lack the ability to use some of the more mystical talents of the other clans. Piccolo and Nail are prime examples of the warrior clan. The next clan is the dragon clan, and as the name states this is the clan able to create and manipulate dragon balls. Kami and Moori are good examples of this clan. Now the last clan the healing clan, is pretty inconsistent considering that this clan currently seems to consist of one member: Dende. Supposedly a clan that heals, it is also possible that this is just a branch off of the dragon clan, or even just a unique ability to Dende, since Dende does become Guardian of the earth’s dragon balls later on in the series. This would infer that he is a member of the dragon clan, as opposed to the healing clan, however since he heals it would be assumed that he is of the healing clan (What? Inconsistencies in my DBZ?! Slander and lies!).

Now Dende’s history starts off a little dull, he was raised in Moori’s village on Namek for the first part of his life, along with his closest sibling Cargo. From all of the shots of his village it is assumed that he and Cargo are the youngest in the village since they appear to be the only children. They also seem to be very attached to Moori, perhaps seeing him as a father/grandfather figure as they cling tightly to him during Frieza’s attack on the Village. It can also be assumed that he views them as his children as he makes a great effort to try and see that they escape, and thanks to Krillin and Gohan, Dende at least does.

After his rescue Dende’s life becomes a great deal more exciting. He encounters his first humans: Bulma, Krillin, and (kind of) Gohan. At first he is quite fearful, especially of the shrieking harpy known as Bulma (but then again who wouldn’t be?). It only takes a short time before he trusts his rescuers enough to take them to the Guru to help aide their mission, after which he ends up staying in the company of Guru. When Krillin and Gohan finally acquire all of the dragon balls Guru sends Dende to tell them the password to unlock Porunga, but not before unlocking his hidden power, which ends up being Dende’s power to heal.


Dende is a small Namekian child, from a planet of the same name. This planet holds some interesting peculiarities that helped to shape Dende as he is, especially since he has yet to ever leave his planet. Dende’s planet has three suns, so it is never night. Namek also seems to be void of any furry creatures on his planet, only birds, fish, and reptiles inhabit it, and even so the living creatures on his planet are sparse. These will probably lead Dende to be rather fearful of overwhelming darkness, not quite sure what to make of fur, and rather unsettled in large crowds.

As far as Dende’s people go, Dende seems to be a little above average. He is very peaceful like most of his race, but his kindness seems to take him a step above the rest. For example, despite his great fear of the tyrant, Frieza, Dende refuses to leave the battlefield, staying to help heal his friends, which ultimately ends up costing him his life. This leads me to Dende’s age and maturity. By human standards he seems to be quite the contradiction, he can be naïve and fearful like a child, but also speaks in a very wise manner, as though he were a wizened old man.

Dende seems to know much more than someone his age should know regarding the history of his people, since he speaks of it as if he was there for it (which he very clearly was not). It is unclear as to how Nameks are educated but it can probably be assumed that they are mentored by either Guru or their village elder, most likely the latter due to Guru’s feeble physical condition. Dende however was lucky enough to get to spend some time alone with Guru, and perhaps this is in part where some of his sagely knowledge stems from.

This wisdom leads him to have the ability to come up with a level-headed plan even in the heat of battle. Although he does this best in groups since he is not skilled in the art of combat. When he is alone he becomes more panicked and his ‘battle tactics’ seem to consist solely of fleeing…rather clumsily. Overall, Dende is just a sweet little green kid, with a heart of gold and a trusting, yet fearful personality.

why do you feel this character would be appropriate to the setting?

Dende’s skills as a healer and his ability to materialize makes him useful in any setting (and also amusing plot ideas since he could be easily manipulated). He’s also a little barrel of hope, doing his best to be as happy and optimistic as possible despite the most dire of situations. I think it’s important especially in a game that has a darker overtone to have a few characters that will do their honest best to try and make everyone happy and feel better. Give people a little something to hold hope for... and he’s shamelessly adorable. Furthermore, despite Dende’s mental age and appearance being so young considering his horrific experiences on Namek, as well as his bouts of maturity beyond his years, put him right at home in the scourched setting.

Writing Samples

Network Post Sample:


[ the sound of buttons being mashed repeatedly can be heard before a scared and shaky little voice on the verge of tears sounds over the device ]

A-avishta? Avishta?!

[The video comes on after another bout of button mashing, and a scared little green face comes on. His robes are torn and tattered and he looks a little dirty, as though he's been sleeping on the ground. He examines the device curiously, not understanding what it was or how it worked.

No longer seeing the device as anything important, he tentatively begins to explore the room.]

Third Person Sample:

Dende was moping about by the fountain in the park, with his newly acquired teddy bear (which has been adorned in an outfit similar to Dende's). He had been doing his very best to be good all week and not bother Gokudera (too much) while he was working on... well, what ever it was he was working on. He could always see if one of his new friends would play, but he didn't want to bother them. They all seemed to frightened about being in a new place. Dende wasn't all that worried however. He had Gokudera to make sure he was okay!... even if he was busy.

Dende, however, was out of ideas for games he could play by himself, so he settled on just sitting on the side of the fountain idly splashing in the water. Sometimes he really wished he had at least one of his brothers with him to play with. Wait a minute... wish? That gave him quite an idea.

With a big smile spread across his face Dende set his bear on the ground by the fountain, and gave it a little pat on the head. "Don't be scared I'll be right back! I'm going to get the Dragon Balls! You can be the Eternal Dragon, okay?" And with that he went off in search of Dragon Balls... but since he doubted this place actually had any real Dragon Balls He decided to settle on a bunch of really big rocks. He could use his imagination! He was very good at that! Dende went off throughout the city in search of 'Dragon Balls' to bring back to the fountain and summon the 'Eternal Dragon'. Unfortunately for him those rocks were heavy. By the time he actually managed gather the "Dragon Balls"  the sun was beginning to set. His friend would be mad if he came home to late.

The little Namekian looked back at his cluster of rocks, then at the sky. Well... he doubted anyone else would make a wish on them while he was gone. He grabbed his bear and started to head to his friends house.

Anything else? If there's anything that needs clarification please let me know! I have a habit about getting carried away with my sheer nerdom about Namekians...

REVISION: First person

[The screen comes on to a big pair of eyes and a little round nose... a very dirty little round nose. There's some fumbling with the screen before the camera points to a little patch of dirt with some very lopsided flowers planted in it.]

Look! I'm going to make this whole place really pretty! Just like back home! [The little alien comes back on the screen with a big smile on his face, but he's holding the device upside down. The whole concept of the strange technology completely eluded him But it did make the most pleasant little beeping noise so he would try to learn how to use its!He giggles again as he dusts off his robe a little bit]

Does anyone want to help? It will be really fun! I know it!

[Everyone knows that playing in the dirt is just about the funnest thing in the world, OF COURSE! Who could EVER put down such an irresistible offer?]

!scourched, application

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