Character relation for Badfic_manor

Dec 02, 2019 01:27

[+++++] = adores/ loves/highly respects
[++++] = total biffles/lots of respect
[+++] = friends
[++] = friendly aquaintences
[+] = doesn't seem so bad
[0] = no opinion really
[x] = doesn't seem too good
[xx] = tends to avoid
[xxx] = openly dislikes
[xxxxx] = hates with a seething passion

Iroh [++++]: Dende sees Iroh much like he sees the elders back on Namek, very wise and nurturing, almost like a parental figure. Dende treats Iroh with the utmost respect and enjoys listening to him, taking eveything he says into consideration. However Dende always fears that he may be imposing somehow because he has the backbone of a jellyfish, so he's always very careful not to be too overbaring on the elder man.

Ichabod [++++];  "Mr. Crane" is another Dende holds in high regard. Dende sees him as being very wise beyond his years, and quite accepting of Dende, despite the very obvious physical differences. He is the first human to ever really want to understand him and his culture as a means to coexisisting with a peaceful understaning of eachother, rather than just trying to grasp the bare basic of 'what he is'.

Elphaba [++]:  Dende knows that Elphaba has gotten quite close to Piccolo, so naturally she has sparked his curiousity. He recalls her being quite kind to him as a child, but he is very sure to keep her at arms length now, in fear of Piccolo feeling the need to get protective over her. However, if she ever needs anything Dende would gladly help her, not only for her sake, but for the sake of the past self of his good friend Piccolo.

Raven [+++++]:  When Dende was brought to the Manor as a child Raven looked out for him, and after his traumatic experience with Ienzo she became like a mother figure to him. When he reapeared at the manor after his cannon shift, he still seems to regard her as a caretaker. If there's anything he's worried about or wants to know she will be the one he goes to. Although now that he's an adult he also sees her as a close friend, rather than just a mother figure.

Nice [+++]:  Dende sees Nice as a good friend and an experienced veteran of battle. She watched out for him as a child and Dende truely appriciates her for it. He's already confided in her about his fear about going into battle, which she very kindly talked him through. Dende will materialize French pastries for her whenever she wants.

Minatsuki [+]:  Dende healed her once, and while she claimed that most people would say she deserved to get hurt, Dende didn't think so. Sure she was a bit rough around the edges, but he thought she was sweet in a mouthy and cussing sort of way.

Zarbon [xxxxx]:  Dende hold so much seething hatred for Zarbon, he has actually surprised and disgusted himself with it. While after helping in the mass slaughter of his people, Dende has a VERY good reason to hate him, he still feels hating isn't in his nature. He often surpises himself with the vemous and bitterly sarcastic way he speaks to Zarbon, usually unintentionaly provoking him. Dende is also quite afraid of Zarbon since he knows he will be fter the Dragon Balls that Dende is now in charge of. Knowing that nothing he wished for could be of any good to anyone but himself, Dende will try and defend the Dragon Balls with his life.

Mello [+]: Dende only had one encounter with Mello as a child, and Mello was very, very cranky... but oddly enough Dende thought he was funny.

Kuja [++]:  Dende first encountered Kuja as a child, and in an honest attempt to chear him up, he pissed him off instead. But while miffed, Kuja didn't lash out at him, and Dende thought he was friendly. After his fight with Zarbon, Kuja quickly acted to heal him and Dende quite apricated the gesture. He's fond of Kuja but he hasn't really spoken with him much.

Legato [++]: Dende hasn't interacted with Legato since he was a child, but all his encounters with him ended on a pleasant note. Dende hasn't seen Legato as his older self but it can be assumed he'll regard him as a friend.

Trisana [++]:  Tris is Dende's 'nerd buddy'. After healing her with ease, she inquired about his skills since she had never seen anything like it before, which in turn lead him to begin asking questions about her skills. And thus the two johovially began fawning over eachers talents like a couple of high school girls talking about boys. Dende looks forward to learning more about her abilities and such, she seems like quite the agreeable you lady.

Mamimi [+]: Dende is a bit confused about Mamimi, as a child see seemed uncaring and a bit cold, but encountering her as his older self lead him to see her as a rather sweet curoius young girl who was a tad over-obsessed with Piccolo. He's a bit worried that Piccolo might drive her too hard, but he's keeping that to himself.

Ritsuka [+]:   As a child Ritsuka helped him find his lost pet Tribble, so therefore he is forever down as a 'good person' in Dende's book.

Gohan [+++++]:  Obviously he and Gohan had been frinds for many years, and even though this Gohan is quite younger than the one from his time, Gohan is still Gohan and Dende stills adores him just the same. Only now he feel a strong urge to try and take care of him, although Gohan is more than capab;e of caring for himself.

Ienzo [+++]:  After a traumatic incedent as a child where Ienzo had surgically opened up Dende, he had lied and lead the small Namekian child to believe that a monster did it. Dende assumed that Ienzo had saved him from the monster and thus was his friend. Now he's older and has figured out the truth behind the incident. But rather being angry or disgusted he's quite worried about Ienzo and the effect the manor is having on him, especially if it's pushing the boy to such extremes.

badfic_manor, character relations

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