Эти забавные бразильцы

Mar 14, 2011 10:33

На днях мне пришло письмо следующего содержания:

Hello Sergey Karabakh, I wonder what model of guitar that you are using, simply because I found the perfect pitch, is everything else, and disigner it is surprising, even more.
Я понял, что это не спам хотя бы потому, как переведена моя фамилия) Но, не успев ответить на это письмо, вчера я получил еще одно от того же человека:

Sorry for spelling errors, because I use a translator to write = /, because I live in Brazil, and unfortunately I can not speak English or some other language, first let me say that I'm your fan, I know his work through the holy blood, I was very happy to know that you continue to work in another band, I've been listening to the songs that you simply Fascinated was made publicly, although I have no idea what the song says, it does not understand the Ukrainian language, well, I believe in God, the more I very difficult to follow his commandments, and I see on her blog, which you approached dus for music, I'm starting to play guitar, now I'm still lay on the subject, I would like to help is possible, and also like that music ajudase me to get closer to God, well I decided, writes a couple of you, because as I said I'm your fan:)
I you are a man of God and like rock, plus many say is impossible hows like rock and be a Christian, it is more, embrace hope to hear many more songs from you, and buy their cds.
Hug: Raphael.
На этот раз я ответил, поблагодарив за письмо. На что получил следующее:

Nossa, muito obrigado sergey por responder meu email, espero ainda ir ao varios shows do oskord, quem sabe um dia voces não vem tocar no brasil?
as vezes com oque eu vou dizer voce me ache louco ou algo do tipo, mais eu resolvi escrever para voce, sim por ter virado seu fan, mais sabe quando voce conheçe uma pessoa e ve que realmente tem algo de grandioso a aprender com ela?
é isso qu eu sinto, talves deus esteja querendo me dizer algo? quem sabe mais escrevendo isso meus olhos fiquem cheios de lagrimas, deve ser coisa divina,
obrigado mesmo sergey...
que deus te abençoe
Вот так, то, что мы делаем, может влиять на человека с другого континента.

oskord, насущное

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