
Sep 11, 2017 12:12

I created this journal to save my personal LJ and spare the people who came to read my regular entries, not the fanfics. Anyway, I don't want just anyone to read about my personal life, and I still wanted to friend people back, so this is the only way I could do that without too much of trouble ^^.

My personal journal is disordered_baby, in case you would like to know something about me.

Fanfics are visible to everyone, although, some of them might be friends only, which I'm planning to do with some later works only because it's going to be something some people might not appreciate reading. If you want to read them you must tell me, even if I friended you already. If such entry appears, it will be stated in a proper place.

Every post containing graphics will be friend locked after some days from posting. Please, comment and credit me if you take anything and do not claim my graphics as yours.

Feel free to friend this journal, but if you want me to friend you back, at least leave a comment here.

THIS JOURNAL IS CLOSED. Go to id_rock to see new graphics.


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