Mar 07, 2007 16:56
I would like to apologize to the masses (and by "masses" I mean specifically the two people who read this). I used to be such an LJ junkie; now I write here once a month. So, to those few who care - I take this time to formally apologize for my lack of entertaining you with my mindless entries.
Recap-ish: Oscars were good times. Marty won - twice (woo hoo!). First official college party - Mardi Gras at Jules' place. Fun times. Officially doing better in Science class this semester than I could have hoped for last semester. My life is boring.
Spring break in two days. Lunch with the girls Saturday. To Mary Wash with the girls Sunday through Monday. Filming my music video sporadically all week. Hoping for plenty of time to relax and kick back, and get school off my mind.
Pissed that Premiere magazine is being canceled after the April issue - yay for the two issues I will ever have received from them. Go f-ing figure that once I get a subscription to a great entertainment magazine that I really like, they have plummeting circulation numbers and go belly-up.
I'm sleepy.
I set Dr. Start off on a rampage of excitement last night when he saw that I am reading "The Godfather." The 1969 version is the only way to go, really.
Oh Mandy.
Have yourself a merry little time.
Dance with, or at least clap along to, the absurdity of life.
Good day and good luck. God speed and God bless.