I'm forever yours, faithfully

Oct 30, 2006 22:53

My slacking skills are at an all-time high. And there's something sticky on my "f" key. Eewww. (Maybe it's just on my left index finger...)

Been up to the usual little. Went home for what I hoped would be a nice, relaxing fall break but turned out to only be as stressful as my previous week had been. It was a really nice break to be home for a few days, though. As much as I hate driving in the city and forgetting my phone, it turned out to be almost relaxing. Just a few more weeks until Turkey Day break. Always the indicator that my all-time favorite part of the year is on its way. Thanksgiving through New Years makes me happy. :D

Made my first visit to the hot dog man last week. And I owe Renee money. I also owe Andrew, Annie and Glover money. Wow. I'm deeper in the hole than I though. Stupid Penn paychecks. I hate money.

Apparently I have no will power.

You know what is an amazing feeling? Reliving your childhood. Try it one day. Go onto YouTube.com and search for all of your favorite TV shows from when you were a kid. Oh my God - it's somehow wonderfully exhilarating. I truly miss being a kid. (Cliche alert!) Life was so much simpler then. It's okay -- I'll get really old one day and regress to child-like behavior and I can feel like a kid all over again. It'll be glorious.

Okay, people. If you still haven't seen "Little Miss Sunshine" yet, go. Right now. And then immediately after you see that, movie-hop and watch "The Departed" and "The Prestige." I don't care how dirty you think Hugh Jackman is, check them out. Grand films; Oscar contenders for sure. Thrilling, hilarious, mind-boggling, sharp, ingenious, not to mention a whole slew of attractive men. Seriously - go see all three movies. Would I steer you in the wrong direction when it comes to movies? Yeah, I thought so.

I feel like I'm forgetting to do so many things I need to remember to do. Is it really too much to ask for the world to stop turning for just a few minutes; just let everyone stop, breath, gather themselves and continue rotating in its usual fashion...? Where's Superman when you really need him?

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Have a safe one, everybody.

Word of the month (beginning in November) = grand.

I've got movies up the wazoo that I need to watch. So not enough time.

Michael Jackson still was black. Those were the days.

Dance with, or at least clap along to, the absurdity of life.

Good night and good luck. God bless and God speed.

P.S. - What the hell ever happened to the WB frog?
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