Jun 18, 2012 10:29
For Father's Day, Lily, Ella and I decorated little flowerpots and planted seeds so Johnny can have two little plants to put on his desk at work. I also bought him a new bicycle that he's been wanting for aggggges. It was on sale for $150 so I really dodged the bullet on that one! (the other one he was looking at was like $350! yikes!)
Of course I tried to surprise him with it and almost immediately the kids knocked it over and it fell on them and they both were screaming and crying so it was a shit show just like usual. Can't get a moment to just enjoy a nice surprise.... well, that's kiddos! :) The girls weren't hurt, just scared of the loud noise they had made and the trouble they were going to get in haha
Lily is crying when she pees, It started two days ago. I called the Dr this morning as soon as they opened at 7:30am, they got me in at 8:15! I was at the doctors, got the prescription, and had Lily do her UA at LabCorp and got back home all before 9:35! whoo! Oh man, getting Lily to pee in that cup - another fiasco. Pee all over me and the floor and her and everywhere but in the cup, really. We managed to catch some, thankfully. I had given her a cup of cranberry juice to help with her UTI and we spilled it allllll over the floor of the place and the nurse was so mad! whoopsie.
Lastly and most embarrassingly, maybe one of THE most mortifying things that has happened to me in recent memory.
Gail had come over to watch Ella as I rushed Lily around town. I borrowed her car since Johnny took mine since HIS broke down and is some parking lot somewhere. Yeah, when it rains, it really pours.
Anyway! I am having a fantastically heavy crazy period, TMI alert, and I bled through my tampon, panty liner, underwear, and fav black denim jeans onto the seat of Johnny's mom's car. CRINGING!!! I didn't realize of course until I was getting out of the car in my driveway. omg. Johnny is getting her car detailed tomorrow. I hope I don't see her for weeks and weeks.
So embarrassing. I just want to crawl in a hole and die.
this fucking day. Please. Some more awful, stressful things should happen. So I can just write off this entire day and know that tomorrow can't possibly be worse. :)
In nerd news, I started the 50 Shades of Grey book yesterday. Dang, that book is SO. MUCH. SEX. Practically the whole thing! I didn' t think it would be so much! I don't think it's the best book ever, kind of predictable, whatever. But man, I don't know why anybody is raising a stink about it. I'd say all men everywhere (and women, too, maybe!) should be thankful, for getting their lady friends all stirred up! bow chikka wow wow! Johnny is laughing at me for reading it. I have had them on my Nook for awhile but was reading other things. I guess I will read the others tomorrow and see if all that fuss is warranted or not.
Anyone else read that shiz?
father's day