Last week we gave Ella to my MIL and took Lily to Altamonte to go to Chuck E Cheese. It's an hour and 15 minutes away, but she was sooo excited. I felt like we were going to Disney hahah
Lily had so much fun! I haven't been to Chuck E Cheese since the 80's so it was a lot different than I remember. And not as expensive as I thought it would be. We got her $15 worth of tokens and she played for hours. She liked riding the dumb cars the best, like the kind they have outside grocery stores? But I never let her ride those dirty things so this was her first time on (and yep I wiped them each with a wipe before she got on LOL I can't help it!)
We left on Friday night for St Augustine and just got back last night (monday)
We had a lot of fun this time! Even though some of the days were rainy and gloomy, but I kind of like those days as much as sunny days!
Friday night we arrived and just got settled in.
On Saturday, I went down to the library and got a few books. heaven! We stopped at Publix to stock up the empty cupboards and fridge and picked up Date Night from RedBox.
Then we took the girls to Red Lobster for lunch. We're practicing taking them both out to restaurants...before, we would never have dared to take them both. It used to be a MESS. But I want to go places and do things, and we can't always wait around for a babysitter. So we are getting them used to sitting in one place for an hour and not screaming their heads off.
We've been to about 5 or 6 places with them both so far. It went really really well!
I just have to make sure I put lots of snacks and little toys to distract them in my purse.
But now that Johnny has an iPhone, Lily will sit quietly and watch Wow Wow Wubbzy. hooray for technology!
It's just hard because when Lily is ready to go, she's ready! She says 'All done!' and wants to leave immediately. which happens sometimes before we even get our meals!
hahaha it's an adventure!
Then Lily wanted to go on the 'horsey ride' so we took her downtown to the carousel. The guy running it was a douchebag. We were there last week and the lady that was running it then was so nice, she let Johnny ride for free so he could sit next to Lily. And they went on about 6 times. But this dude said he had to charge me if I was going to ride with Lily. I paid him and I wanted to say something, but I didn't want to get the nicer lady in trouble so I didn't. We only rode once this time. Lily played on the playground a little and I had promised her ice cream so we found a local frozen yogurt store and got her some.
It was a thousand degrees outside so we went home after that - girls were wiped out. When we go downtown we don't drive, we park in the church and walk. It's good exercise and always tires out the kids
(although how they get so tired in the stroller is beyond me)
Johnny and I watched Date Night, which wasn't as funny as I was hoping it would be.
Sunday we walked downtown again, except this time we went through the actual shops and stuff. Lily really wanted a turtle and a hermit crab painted like Spongebob, but we did not get either.
I don't think a turtle would be a good pet for her and the crab was really stinky.
I LOVE going through the shops but it's hard because the double stroller doesn't fit in most of the tiny little stores (even Lily's old single stroller used to give us trouble). I really wish someone would babysit the kids so Johnny and I could go up and explore by ourselves... but it was still fun.
We explored the fort a little - Lily thought it was a castle, then Zaxby's for lunch.
Lily calls it the 'chicken store'
Then the pool and beach for daddy and lily, nap for baby and mommy.
that night we played Floridopoly, which is like monoply only florida themed, if you couldn't guess.
That was SO fun, because Lily liked to hand out money from the bank, or put some back in when you weren't looking, or move your token a few spaces, and Ella liked to grab the game board and shake it a little.
Monday we spent cleaning up. That's the worst part - we always clean really really well and it takes foreverrrr. But it's ok. If that's what I have to 'pay' to get to use the condo, I don't mind too much.
I stopped into my work on Friday night as we were heading out to St Auggie and talked to my manager Deb. I was just super honest with her and I know she really likes me so she said she's giving me the month of October to work things out. Meaning, I CANNOT miss any work in October. they had already taken me off the schedule so it's a good thing I went in!
please please kids don't get sick, please MIL and mom don't let me down as babysitters! Please no unexpected car breakdowns! October is going to be the smoothest calmest nicest month of this year. Right?
I wish it would stop being so goshdarn hot!! I really can't take this heat. The humidity is really messing with my hair :O(