Sep 19, 2006 03:35
The_other_Avatars_are_awfully_violent. Almost_sadistic_in_nature.
Now_ aren't_you_glad_I'm here_to_keep_you_all_from_misbehaving?
Designation:_ZELOS_WILDER. Are_you_afraid_yet?
DESIGNATION:_ZAKTAN_and_the_Piraka. You_are_under_surveilance.
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We have a mission, even if inside a personal interest, but foolish emotions like rage or revenge should not blind the path the Adam Kadmon is building for us all.
I am far too tolerant to be trusted that mission.
((OOC: Inter-Avatar conspiracy! Actually Isaak wants Adam Kadmon's world, 'cause it fits exactly what he wants to see: perfect state, etc for better or good. He just wants to know. :P So he's not going to let the fellow Avatar's power hungry manners ruin that. He's beyond power hungry stage at his age XD)).
[ooc: Sneaky sneaky. Robo-Ky will happily play this game. Hell, he's excited Isaak called him 'Ky'. He's become his best friend just with that. XD;;]
If you wish to improve your surveillance abilities, allow me to add in your system the Lost Technology of my world.
And please, call me Isaak.
((OOC: Done and done. Isaak can be okaasan. He looks girly enough :3)).
Improve_my_surveillance_skill? Robo-Ky_is_always_grateful_for_new_attachments, Isaak.
[ooc: Maybe he'll call him that in front of Hojo someday. XD;;]
((OOC: LOL. We should all have an Avatar meeting Log or something)).
The city_seems_quiet_enough_for_me_to_leave_my_post.
[ooc: YES! that would be cool Like a big dining room table where Ky can show off his excellent table manners! 8D]
((OOC: LOL. That would be so cuuuuuute!)).
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