cause all of the stars are fading away

May 15, 2005 22:00

school is almost over. wow. this year really flew by. everything was going sooo slow up until halloween and the homecoming and then everything took off from there. Ive been flying on the clouds ever since, so in love. its ironic how I thought this year would end up being just as terrible as last summer. this year was one of the best Ive ever had. Im soo happy with life right now (except the needing a job part, but Im applying at Islands this week and alecia says they hire you on the spot. so then I can work with her! woo hoo).

Life is GREAT. I have such a positive upbeat attitude, even if I dont show it sometimes. Finals are coming up, and as much as they suck it'll mean school is over for another year.

All my seniors are leaving me though. Dean <3, Amber, Alex, Alecia, Big Human, Leah, Jeremy, Yorgi, Andrew, CJ, Jackie, Tiffany, Katie, Michael and soooo many others. I dont know what Im going to do next year. I'll miss em so much. But at least I'll still have Sam, Emilie, Laura, Dakota, Blake, Effe etc.

Anyway. This is probably going to be my last post on this lj. Im making a new one.

Goodbye kids. comment to get the new site.
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