Creep Face

Oct 06, 2009 17:46

Friday night, my boyfriend and I were wandering around the old Navy Yard in Charlestown. It was pretty late, sometime around midnight I believe, and we were both not completely sober and a bit cloudy if you know what I mean. An extremely distressed and drunk young woman comes up to us asking for help. She tells us that she thinks someone is following her and is hiding behind trees and what not.

The way she said it and in her state, it just seemed crazy. Neither one of us particularly want to deal with a drunk crazy girl, we don’t see anyone behind her, so we tell her to go over to a security guard shack just down the street. I figure that we’ve just pushed off a dramatic drunk on to somebody else, and all will be fine. But then I see a man literally hiding behind a tree!

She wasn’t crazy or overreacting. This man was actually following her and doing so in such an insane and creepy manner that I quickly realized why she had sounded so crazy herself. The man had watched her come up to us, and I guess when he saw us keep walking away, he decided it was safe to follow her again. We slow down and walk towards the creeper. He acts like he is going to go away, but decides to walk right past us.

I start following him and loudly say to my boyfriend, “I’m going to follow this creep.” and “What is this weird guy doing?” Meanwhile the man is still hiding in doorways and using a pizza box to cover his face. I was saying all of this loud enough for the man to hear me, and I was doing my best to be as obvious as possible of my following him. “What’s this fucking creep doing following that woman?”, I practically screamed. The man just looked right at me, our eyes making contact. He had a grin on his face, his eyes were crazed, and he gave me this look as to say, “I know you know what I’m doing. But I don’t care.”

I want to tackle the fucker at this point. I just went from WTF confusion to pure rage. The woman was at the guard shack by this point, and my boyfriend thought that everything was fine. But then the man disappears, and I notice that the woman is walking away from the guard shack. So the man is still after her, hiding behind bushes or trees or somewhere that we don’t know, and the woman is off on her own again. I decide that we need to get moving.

We head towards the guard shack to find that the woman never even talked to the guard! We then see the creep face again past the guard shack having snuck through some people’s yards I guess. We point him out, and by this point the police are on there way. The man is standing yards away from us still acting a fool with his pizza box as myself and my boyfriend were pointing him out to the guard who was on the radio.

My boyfriend and I then wandered off. The security guard could see both the creep and the woman from her spot, and the Park Rangers were very nearby. They seemed to drive through that area once every 10 minutes and we had seen them only a few minutes before we ran into the drunk woman. So I guess we may have just prevented a rape and/or murder. Yay for us!

I did learn a very important lesson. Next time a drunk woman asks me for help, I am going to take it more seriously. I feel bad I didn’t offer more help to her more. Now I know better. Also there are some really fucked up strange creeps out there. So if you are going to be out alone drunk, don't be so drunk that you lose your common sense, and while being followed walk right past security guards.
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