Psychology Today has an article called "Why modern feminism is illogical, unnecessary, and evil". Really, they do. here's the link I'm not sure what my favorite part is. First there's the author's complete lack of understanding of what feminism actually is. According to the author, all feminists believe that men and women are exactly alike. But really men and women are different, so that makes it alright when women are paid less then men for doing the same job. No really, the article says that. It also says this, "It is true that, in all human societies, men largely control all the money, politics, and prestige. They do, because they have to, in order to impress women. Women don’t control these resources, because they don’t have to. What do women control? Men." I keep trying to think of a witty retort for this, but it's so fucking dumb and illogical that instead I'm stuck making weird faces at my computer screen.
Then right at where I stopped reading (I couldn't make it to page 2) feminism is evil, because it makes everyone unhappy. Feminism actually made me happy when I discovered it as a teenager. Maybe I'm a freak that was happy to learn how the double standard was bullshit and that my appearance wasn't the most important thing. And that sexist stuff that I experienced, that hurt... deeply deeply hurt, but I couldn't find the words to say why, well, feminism gave me the words. Actually, I can say with absolute certainty that feminism is the best thing in the world for a young woman's self esteem. But according to this article, I'm full of it, because the feminist movment sucked all the joy out of the world. I bet the author's head would explode if you showed him all the studies showing that feminists are more happy in relationships, and another recent study showing that anti-feminists hold way more hateful ideas about men then feminists. KABOOM!
Another great thing about the article is a big ol' quote floating on the top of the page. It says "Feminism is the radical notion that women are men." Ever heard of it? You probably have, but when you heard it, it was probably correctly stated as, "Feminism is the radical notion that women are people." So I'm left to wonder, was the incorrect ending added to make the article look better, or did the author write the article based on a famous quote that he totally misremembered.
But the best thing may be seeing the little tidbit at the top about who the author is. "Satoshi Kanazawa is an evolutionary psychologist at LSE and the coauthor (with the late Alan S. Miller) of Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters. " Evolutionary psychology....hahahahaha. Yes, there are people out there still making a living on the ill conceived idea that we can understand all human behavior by comparing it to what our earliest ancestors did. Never mind that we've learned that human brains are very adaptable and you can see huge differences in behavior amongst cultures, and never mind that we don't even know how are earliest ancestors lived. Nope, men and women are totally different, feminism sucks, because women gathered berries and men killed mammoths.
He's also wrote "Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters". If you want to know why that's dumb, think up the most beautiful woman you can. Now ask yourself what about this woman is beautiful? What's her body type? What's her skin color? What are her features like (for me and I would imagine some of you they are going to be heavily caucasian features)? What is her hair doing? Now imagine people from all over the world at all different times can see her. Do you think she is going to be most beautiful to them? If they showed you their idea of most the beautiful woman, do you think you would always agree? Or to make things easier just look at a naked lady painting from hundreds of years ago to a playboy spread. Basically acting like beauty can be defined and it's going to genetically make you have more girls is the dumbest fucking thing ever.
Well, I guess it's not as dumb as this article. Oh, so that's why Mr. Kanazawa wrote it, so it book wouldn't be the dumbest thing he has ever written.