in the beginning....

Mar 16, 2004 12:47

well today i'm feeling better from a recent cold that hit me this past weekend... i was down and out and it's been ages since i've done somethin with my buddies.

also where is the snow? lol well it finally hit and yes Northen Cambria School district did have an early dismisal (how bout that shit history? ya i'm thinkin it is) well during this early dismisal one obstacle lies in front of me and my buddy and my car.... the parking lot , it lies on a 78 degree angle with about 4 inches of sloppy snow on it. well overall my car being the "trooper" as my buddy calls it..... it walked right on outta that incline and went home like any other day

well now i'm home and i'm just sittin here on aol bein bored talkin with people.... it was just now that i've remember one event up in the old barn of my grandpap's farm (which is now owned by a FUCKING DICKHEAD)sorry for the profanity just needed to get it out... anyways... me and my one buddy were shootin around before the others arrived or somethin and the lights flickered and i said " dude i think we're losin power" ... and he said " dude i think u should shut the fuck up" LOL... well u had to be there

that's for that.... until next time, peace
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