Gacked from
kittiethedragon What books do you find yourself re-reading? Which would you take with you on a lifetime journey into space?
(shhh, once upon a time before there was an internet, I read a bunch! I miss it...)
1) Deep Wizardry by Diane Duane (or really, any of her Young Wizard series books)-I can't even really talk about how much I love this series without flailing around and becoming a jibbering mass of incoherency. Seriously, the whole concept of Wizardry as a battle against Entropy is beautiful and sad and wonderful, because it's a fight that can't ever really be won...And ohh man, I read the first four books soo many years before ever living in New York, but the first time I looked at the Grand Central ceiling, it was exactly exactly like I'd always pictured it would be, thanks to the author's description, so it sort of felt like being home...Just...when you read this series, you feel like the whole thing is true, and maybe the fact that you found that book in the first place is a sign that you've been chosen, and if you recite the Wizard's Oath and then try speaking to your mailbox, it will speak back...and don't you give me that look. You know this was your third grade experience too. ^^;
2) Dangerous Angels-Francesca Lia Block-The only story (or rather...collection of stories) I've ever heard which makes LA seem more like a place l'd like to be...and less like a soul eating hell pit. And in it are contained some of the most beautiful sentences I've ever seen on a page ever. It's basically about the intertwined lives of a bunch of kids running about, making messes and art in LA. My two favorites though, are Baby Be-Bop, and Missing Angel Juan (which is actually all about New York ^^).
3) The Path of Minor Planets by Andrew Sean Greer-I love things about the night sky....*sigh* Path of Minor Planets is about a group of astronomers (well, Denise and Eli are astronomers, Kathy is Eli's wife, and Lydia is the daughter of the head professor...) who witness a tragedy while tracking a comet...and over the years, we see how their lives were affected by the decisions they made that night. Or well, argh, I suck at explaining...Basically it's about messes and mistakes and how "gravity is a disease" and how people keep trying to fix things that won't be fixed and sometimes they give up, but sometimes they don't...and I love Kathy. So much. And it's split into chapters by the years of the comet's return, and I love that kind of thing. ^^
4) Fruits Basket-Natsuki Takaya (yeah I did it. I included manga ^^)-It's amazing. It's about the Sohma family, who are under a curse, wherein they turn into animals from the chinese zodiac whenever they are stressed OR whenever a member of the opposite sex hugs them... Um...I can't explain this without sounding like a crazy. BUT REALLY the author understands people in a way I probably never will, but I always feel better after reading it. This has a bunch to do with the fact that the characters actually grow up in the course of the story, and you see it and you feel proud of them.
5) Paradise Kiss/Nana/anything by Ai Yazawa-Ummm...I can't justify this. In space...I might want to look at pretty pictures and read stories about rock music and fashion school?
6) Please Kill Me:An Oral History of's a bunch of interviews and side stories and anecdotes about fucked up kids with guitars in the 70's...except they're all famous musicians. And there are pictures...and the story of how Sid Vicious once thought Vacuum Cleaner was a euphemism for drugs... Good times.
In conclusion, I should read more.