Right now, I am dealing with the following:
1.) RIDICULOUS stress at work, thanks to 3 people quitting and a 4th person being laid-off. This leaves me and one other full-time therapist working with the adult clients. Three of those people who are gone are not being replaced. Do the math, and maybe you will understand why I am INSANELY burnt out.
2.) Wedding planning stress. 'Nuff said.
3.) Multiple road trips, during a time when the LAST thing I want to do is spend a weekend driving. We had my sister's shower last weekend; I have to return to PA for my own in May, then again for her wedding in June.
4.) Something going on Every. Single. Weekend. Birthdays, showers, classes, car inspections, etc. etc. etc. I have no time to breathe.
5.) Bathroom remodeling -- since October. Nate is making progress, but the chaos of the house is starting to really get to me.
6.) Licensing -- I have to take my exam in the next 6 months, or forfeit my $200 fee. This, of course, means that I have to take it between now and the wedding. Oh, and of COURSE there are no local test sites, so that means more driving, and a day off of work (not that I'll mind a day off, but I would prefer using vacation time for VACATIONS, not test-taking). Also, I am nervous about this test, because I have FORGOTTEN quite a bit in the last, oh, 6 years (since I started trying to get licensed). In my daily work, I don't discuss specific theories by name, and my agency is heavy on a particular type of therapy that was never MENTIONED in any of my classes, so the first intervention that comes to mind may not be the answer that the examiner is looking for. And this is a pretty critical exam to pass. I've never had trouble with tests -- I passed comps without even studying (pissing off several classmates in the process), but I am out of practice. And the "sample exam" I just did online? I passed by ONE POINT. One more wrong answer, and I would've failed. I did even WORSE on another practice test -- fortunately, I learned that it was NOT the format for the test I'll be taking, but for a different counseling exam. Anyway, I am stressed. I foresee xanax in my future on test day.
7.) I found out that Aiden has an early stage of heart disease. The vet said there's no way to know how serious it is right now -- he doesn't have symptoms, and it's something that just "progresses" (quickly or slowly, no way to tell since it's new), so he has to be monitored every 6 months. He's not even 8 yet. The vet told me not to panic, but also told me that we just have to "wait and see," which was not comforting. He's on meds to help his heart work more efficiently, but it won't change whatever the natural "progression" is; there's no way to reverse it or stop it... I just have to hope and pray that it's very, VERY slow, and that he will be healthy for many more years. He's my heart.
8.) As if my anxiety needed help, I've heard way too many sad animal stories lately. Two dogs I knew passed away suddenly (one was old; one was young), a friend's dog got diagnosed w/ cancer, and another friend's cat (still a kitten) apparently has a terminal genetic illness. I need to hear some happy animal stories. Like pets who are reunited with their owners after getting lost, or miraculously recover from the brink of death, or something. HAPPY.
9.) A number of humans that I care about have also been dealing with major health crises. It's like an epidemic, and I feel like it's my "responsibility" to worry about all of them! (My therapist thinks that my anxiety is bordering on OCD... she might be onto something there.)
I just need a break. From life.