Who Needs Sleep? Well Not Me Apparently

Oct 09, 2008 08:44

I didn't sleep last night - I know that isn't strange, I've made plenty of posts about not sleeping, but I actually wanted to sleep last night - I wanted to sleep on something - I mean...a thought rather than just...my bed you know?

Anyway, last night before I went to bed I was on YouTube (you know...like you are right before bed) and I came across this video and it struck a cord with me. Do you want to know why? Because it's mine, I made it! Given I made it a couple of years ago, but it seems somebody has uploaded it without credit. Though the only place it was posted was at my old website (where it's been taken done from now) and in a thread at the Omega Sector and all the regular users over there are lovely so who knows whose uploaded it.

Thing is, while I'm a bit annoyed I don't honestly know if I have the energy to put up a fight and say it's mine - well that and I hate confrontation. But the fact is, it's an old video which isn't the greatest quality and it isn't tagged (see! this is why I put my mark on just about everything I do, because of things like this!).

I'm ever so slightly worried that I don't really care though I think that's what worries me the most about it all.

music video, rant, real life

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