Meme: Seven Interests

Aug 03, 2008 21:08

Comment on this post. I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along.

My interests we picked by persiflage_1

3rd Doctor

Ok I decided to start watching the classic series because of Sarah Jane Smith (who we'll come back to), so of course I started with 'The Time Warrior' and I just loved Three so much! I've never been able to explain why either I've just always thought he was so awesome.

8th Doctor

You know how people always ask who 'your' Doctor is - as in, your first Doctor? Well Eight was mine. I was only about...9 or so when the film was first on television and I was such an Eight fan - though I think it was more to do with having a crush on Paul McGann (which I'm totally, totally over now btw)

Martha / Tosh OTP. It's funny, I think series 3 was only about 2/3 weeks in when I started 'shipping them too! I think it's probably the pairing that makes the most sense in the whole wide world - at least in my head. Of course...'Exit Wounds' totally screwed it all up!


I'll admit I've seen nothing of Romana I (it's due to lack of funds to be honest), I love Romana II (I think its some of the outfits) and if Romana III doesn't turn up in the new series I'll be a bit annoyed as she's a character that has so much potential...if done correctly that is...part of me believes she should be ginger just to annoy the Doctor I think.

Sarah Jane Smith

Sarah Jane Smith made no real impact on me when when series 2 first aired (I think I was left ever so slightly confused, but soon forgot about it) and I think it was by chance I watched 'Invasion of the Bane' on its first broadcast, I enjoyed it, but once again no major impact. Now after rewatching 'School Reunion' I realised this was a character I really liked (I'm guessing I'd grown slightly) and decided that was the moment to delve into the older episodes. To date I think the only stories with Sarah Jane in that I haven't seen is 'The Seeds of Doom' - I started but lost interest and I have only two Big Finish Audios to listen to. So...yeah...

Science fiction

What is there not to love about science fiction! I love reading it, watching it and especially writing it and do you want to know why? Because you can just do so much with it as a genre! You can have a bit of comedy or romance maybe? See! Lots to do with science fiction.

X Men

I'm not so much into the comics (I've looking into some of the comic only characters though) but I love the films and I really enjoy the cartoons. And Jean Gray is probably the greatest character ever - though I hated what happened to her in the end of the final film...though natual progession, it had to happen. Oh and I'm so looking forward to the new Wolverine film next year, I've seen a bootleged version of the trailer and...OMG!

3rd doctor, martha/tosh, x men, meme, sarah jane smith, doctor who, 8th doctor

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