Well...It's Only Taken What...a Month?

Aug 31, 2007 00:58

Yeah, it's taken me like a month to get through the BBC Radio Drama 'Ghosts of N-Space'...bad I know.

Well...it's ok I guess, interesting enough at times, but...lacking a lot in story. For starters the chances of the Brigadier having an Italian uncle who knows lives in the world of the Godfather or whatever, well...yeah right. But I suppose they all needed a reason to be at the main location, but couldn't they have thought of anything better?

Moving on!

First two parts were rather slow, the middle parts were better, I enjoyed the Doctor and Sarah travelling around in N-Space and going back in time. The inteteractions between Sarah and Louisa were nice, all the way through with a very touching ending.

Jeremy annoyed me, the whole time. I hated the activities going on in the present day while the Doctor was away and...well...the ending to the whole thing was a very big let down. A sword fight is not something that can take place in an audio adventure and be entertaining.

Oh well, never mind.

3rd doctor, reaction, rant, audio, doctor who

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