I like how more than one episode from this series linked all together to this one.
I love how awesome and crafty River Song is - I want her to have her own spin-off…or mini web series or something. Just more of her. The lipstick, the earrings, the graffiti…all of it. What I love is just how much thought Moffat has put into her character and her history/future with the Doctor.
I’ve never really been scared of the Cybermen, but that head that came alive was FREAKY! And then the body was just…walking about. I think that’s the Cybermen at their best really.
RORY! He’s there! YAY! I also loved that the Doctor just missed that he was there until he walked off. Aww, he looked like a kicked puppy at Amy forgetting him. Bless him. But technically he's not Rory he's...a...construct with Rory's memories.
You have to wonder, the Doctor knows the TARDIS could blow up, yet he still sends River to get it…you’d think he’d just leave it wouldn’t you?
OHHH! It was a trap. I had visions of the Doctor stepping out, but not of them throwing him in. All the aliens being there makes sense! How….perfect! Not perfect as the Doctor is being locked on a box, but story wise, as a plot twist…perfect! The alliance thinks they’re doing the right thing, but they aren’t. I was sort of put off at the beginning with all the old villains, but now…I’ll go with it.
The Doctor locked up, Amy…dead because of Rory and River the reason for the end of the universe - and no preview for next week!