Sep 12, 2006 18:09
Slept a bunch. Went to a custo's to purge her print queue and fix her fax machine.
Did some remote assistance with someone for something in the early afternoon. Went to a custo's to change her email password, update the password in Outlook and the router, and setup RDP. Picked Amy up from work, helped her setup her bed and computer. Ran an Ethernet wire from her room to the TV room. We went to Necto. Her pet, Niles, was there. That was kinda funny. I got 128 pictures of Amy making out with other lesbians. It was hott. N00dle was there!!! After Necto, she made Ramen Noodles for me yum. I totally got to kinda a little bit cuddle with her for a sec. That felt really good. I got home around 5am.
daily rant