Fic: Betrayal (1/?) Dark!watson/Holmes-Noncon

May 10, 2013 13:14

Author: pickleswriting
Title: Betrayal
Pairing: dark!Watson/Holmes
Rating: R for this chapter, but NC-17 for whole fic.
Warning: Noncon, Dark fic
Word count: ~1739
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: "Watson would show him things, touch him in ways he'd never been touched before, open the man's eyes to the pleasures of the flesh."

Dark Watson ties a drunk Holmes to the bed and violates him, then keeps him in their bedroom, intent on making him appreciate and return his "love".

Betrayal(On AO3)

genre:angst, fanfiction, feat: bondage, pairing: watson/holmes, rating: nc-17

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