Holmesian Fic: 6 January 1894

Jan 26, 2013 02:22

Title: 6 January 1894
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes - Ritchie Films
Characters/Pairings: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson/Mary Watson; Eventual SH/JW/MW
Word Count: 5,580
Disclaimer: I do not pretend to be ACD, Guy Ritchie, or anyone with any claim on anything to do with their creations; just a ficcer making fics.
Spoilers: Sort of sideways spoilery for the second film.
Warnings: Nah; unless you're bothered by Manly smooches, Wenchly-Manly smooches, or Manly-Wenchly-Manly smooches, or implications of more than smooches between those men and that wench.
Summary: Holmes has been 'hiding out' with the Watsons during his 'death' and everyone's begun to suspect things are getting far more complicated than they ever expected; hijinx necessarily ensue.
Author's Notes: I wanted to do this for Sherlock Holmes birthday. Ahem. Yes. So, twenty days later... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. HOLMES! *grumble grump*


character: mary, character: holmes, character: watson, fanfiction, rating: pg-13, pairing: holmes/watson/mary, character: mycroft

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