[FIC]This Is My Song For You 1/1

Apr 24, 2012 20:43

A quick little story to fill my fluff reservoir for the WIP, and to assuage my guilt over lack of writing time due to excitement over going to see Avengers Assembled this week ;)

This Is My Song For You
Beta: Unbetaed. This is your last warning.
Pairing: None. Holmes/Watson if you turn on your rose-tinted glasses and use Hubble.
Spoilers: Umm... you all DO know they're living together, right?
Rating: This one's so harmless I'd say everyone can read it. G! Or K, or whatever.
Warnings: Abuse of a violin. Hints of music theory and violin technique.
Disclaimer: No money made. No ownership claimed. Fair use applies.
X-posted: Yes.

This Is My Song For You

rating: g, fanfiction, genre: fluff

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